

T. Pirk
Github: t-pi
Twitter: ti_31415

About me

Still in just for fun, not for pro code…​ :)

Day 00: python

Hello world for Advent of Code 2021


Second year - even less time 🙄 Let’s see…​

Run the solution with python solution.py

print("Hello AoC 2021")

Day 01: python

AoC21-01: Sonar Sweep


Sweep list


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line. List compare for . Sliding window compare for *.

# see description.adoc

from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list '''
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = input_file.readlines()
        return_list = [int(item.strip()) for item in local_list]
        return return_list

def preprocess_input(daily_list):
    ''' not needed today

def main():
    daily_list = read_daily_input('input01.txt')
    sum1 = 0
    previous_item = -1
    for item in daily_list:
        if (previous_item >= 0):
            if (previous_item < item):
                sum1 += 1
        previous_item = item

    star1 = sum1
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")

    sum2 = 0
    previous_window = -1
    for i in range(len(daily_list)-2):
        current_window = sum(daily_list[i:i+3])
        if (previous_window >= 0):
            if (previous_window < current_window):
                sum2 += 1
        previous_window = current_window

    star2 = sum2
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 02: python

AoC21-02: Dive!


Calculate coordinates


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line. Simple tracking of depth and position for . Add aim and the corresponding change for depth calculation for *.

Learned today

"Wer lesen kann, ist klar im Vorteil…​" 🙄 (-→ Reading helps 😁)

# see description.adoc

from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list '''
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = input_file.readlines()
        return_list = [item.strip() for item in local_list]
        return return_list

def preprocess_input(daily_list):
    ''' not needed today

def main():
    daily_list = read_daily_input('input02.txt')
    depth = 0
    position = 0
    for item in daily_list:
        command, parameter = item.split()
        parameter_input = int(parameter)
        if (command == 'down'):
            depth += parameter_input
        elif (command == 'up'):
            depth -= parameter_input
        elif (command == 'forward'):
            position += parameter_input
        if (depth < 0):
    star1 = depth * position
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")

    depth = 0
    position = 0
    aim = 0
    for item in daily_list:
        command, parameter = item.split()
        parameter_input = int(parameter)
        if (command == 'down'):
            aim += parameter_input
        elif (command == 'up'):
            aim -= parameter_input
        elif (command == 'forward'):
            position += parameter_input
            depth += aim*parameter_input
        if (depth < 0):
            print('jump, jump!')
    star2 = depth * position
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 03: python

AoC21-03: Binary Diagnostic


Check health of sub. : Get max_count('0'/'1') and min_count in transposed input list and multiply the two (decimal) numbers *: Filter input list from (recalculated) max/min_counts to single element and multiply


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line. Transpose list. Get most common bit-status per (transposed) position. : Invert binary and multiply *: Filter list and iterate

Learned today

Took me too long to clear out the algo…​ 🙄

# see description.adoc

from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list '''
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = input_file.readlines()
        return_list = [item.strip() for item in local_list]
        return return_list

def transpose_input(daily_list):
    ''' Transpose list for analysis
    item_length = len(daily_list[0])
    pos_list = [''] * item_length;
    for item in daily_list:
        for i in range(item_length):
            pos_list[i] = pos_list[i] + item[i]
    return pos_list

def get_most_common_value(transposed_list):
    ''' Return binary number strings with most common value (0 or 1)
        per transposed list index
    most_common = ""
    number_length = len(transposed_list)
    pos_count = [0] * number_length
    max_count = len(transposed_list[0])
    for i in range(number_length):
        pos_count[i] = transposed_list[i].count('1')
        most_common = most_common + ('1' if (pos_count[i] >= (max_count - pos_count[i])) else '0')
    return most_common

def main():
    daily_list = read_daily_input('input03.txt')
    power_list = transpose_input(daily_list)
    gamma = get_most_common_value(power_list)
    epsilon = ''.join(['1' if i == '0' else '0'
                     for i in gamma])
    print(gamma, epsilon)
    star1 = int(gamma, base=2) * int(epsilon, base=2)
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")

    co2_list = daily_list.copy()
    i = 0
    while ((len(co2_list) > 1) & (i < len(co2_list[0]))):
        co2_transposed_list = transpose_input(co2_list)
        gamma_co2 = get_most_common_value(co2_transposed_list)
        co2_list = list(filter(lambda co2_value: co2_value[i] == gamma_co2[i], co2_list))
        i += 1

    oxy_list = daily_list.copy()
    i = 0
    while ((len(oxy_list) > 1) & (i < len(oxy_list[0]))):
        oxy_transposed_list = transpose_input(oxy_list)
        epsilon_oxy = ''.join(['1' if i == '0' else '0'
                            for i in get_most_common_value(oxy_transposed_list)])
        oxy_list = list(filter(lambda oxy_value: oxy_value[i] == epsilon_oxy[i], oxy_list))
        i += 1

    print(co2_list, oxy_list)
    star2 = int(co2_list[0], base=2) * int(oxy_list[0], base=2)
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 04: python

AoC21-04: Giant Squid


Play bingo with giant squid attached to sub *: Win (checksum from first board to bingo) *: Loose (checksum from last board to bingo) Checksum: All unmarked numbers of winning bingo field * last number to complete row/column


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line and prepocessed into bingo_numbers and bingo_fields. Separate functions to mark a number in a field and to check for complete row/col and calculation of checksum. Marking is done by substracting 100 from field (max 99) and later checking for <0. Iterate trough numbers and fields. Note first winning board. Have index of winning boards, calculate checksum of all newly winning boards and note last one.

Learned today

Got back somewhat into multi-dim lists and some list comprehension - although not everything worked as expected. Yet :)

# see description.adoc

from os import linesep
from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = input_file.readlines()
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in local_list]
        bingo_numbers = [int(num) for num in local_list[0].split(',')]
        bingo_fields = list()
        bingo_field = list()
        for item in local_list[2:]:
            field_line = [int(num) for num in item.split()]
            if (len(field_line) == 0):
                bingo_field = list()
        return bingo_numbers, bingo_fields

def transpose_list(input_list):
    ''' Transpose list for analysis
    item_length = len(input_list[0])
    transposed_list = [[] for i in range(item_length)]
    for item in input_list:
        for i in range(item_length):
    return transposed_list

def check_bingo_field(bingo_field):
    ''' Check single bingo field for full row or full column of negative values
        Returns sum of positive values (unmarked), else 0
    bingo = False
    bingo_result = 0
    bingo_columns = transpose_list(bingo_field)
    for bingo_line in bingo_field+bingo_columns:
        if (all(elem < 0 for elem in bingo_line)):
            bingo = True
    if bingo:
        for bingo_line in bingo_field:
            for elem in bingo_line:
                bingo_result += elem if elem > 0 else 0
    return bingo_result

def mark_bingo_field(bingo_field, new_number):
    ''' Marks numbers in bingo_field by subtracting 100 (max bingo value = 99)
        Returns marked bingo_field
    for i_row in range(len(bingo_field)):
        for i_col in range(len(bingo_field[i_row])):
            if (bingo_field[i_row][i_col] == new_number):
                bingo_field[i_row][i_col] -= 100
    return bingo_field

def main():
    bingo_numbers, bingo_fields = read_daily_input('input04.txt')
    star1 = 0
    star2 = 0
    have_won = [False] * len(bingo_fields)
    for num in bingo_numbers:
        for i, bingo_field in enumerate(bingo_fields):
            bingo_field = mark_bingo_field(bingo_field, num)
            checksum = check_bingo_field(bingo_field)
            if (checksum > 0):
                if (star1 == 0):
                    star1 = num * check_bingo_field(bingo_field)
                    print(num, checksum, star1)
                if not have_won[i]:
                    star2 = num * check_bingo_field(bingo_field)
                    print(i, num, checksum, star2)
                have_won[i] = True
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 05: python

AoC21-05: Hydrothermal Venture


Avoid hydrothermal ventline clouds : Find hot-spots on grid with >1 lines crossing, consider only vertical & horizontal lines *: Find hot-spots including diagonal lines (45° only) Return number of hot-spots on 1000x1000 grid


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line and prepocessed -→ list of list with two coordinates (set of x,y). : check if horizontal or vertical, then add +1 to grid. Increase hot-spot count when grid point equals 2. *: add second loop to additionally process horizontal lines and increase count accordingly.

Learned today

Quite straightforward, just a few small traps wrt. processing order of hor/vert lines vs. diagonal lines

# see description.adoc

from os import linesep
from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = input_file.readlines()
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in local_list]
        return_list = list()
        for item in local_list:
            start_str, stop_str = item.split("->")
            start = tuple(int(elem) for elem in start_str.split(','))
            stop = tuple(int(elem) for elem in stop_str.split(','))
            return_list.append([start, stop])
        return return_list

def transpose_list(input_list):
    ''' Transpose list for analysis
    item_length = len(input_list[0])
    transposed_list = [[] for i in range(item_length)]
    for item in input_list:
        for i in range(item_length):
    return transposed_list

def generate_field(line_list):
    ''' Generate 2D field from coordinate list
        star1: only horizontal & vertical lines are considered
    my_field = [[0 for i in range(1000)] for j in range(1000)]
    mine_count1 = 0
    mine_count2 = 0
    for line in line_list:
        x1, y1 = line[0]
        x2, y2 = line[1]
        if ((x1 == x2) | (y1 == y2)):
            for x in range(min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2)+1):
                for y in range(min(y1, y2), max(y1, y2)+1):
                    my_field[x][y] += 1
                    if (my_field[x][y] == 2):
                            mine_count1 += 1
    mine_count2 = mine_count1
    for line in line_list:
        x1, y1 = line[0]
        x2, y2 = line[1]
        if ((x1 == x2) | (y1 == y2)):
        x = x1
        dx = -1 if x1>x2 else 1
        y = y1
        dy = -1 if y1>y2 else 1
            my_field[x][y] += 1
            if (my_field[x][y] == 2):
                mine_count2 += 1
            x += dx
            y += dy
    return my_field, mine_count1, mine_count2

def main():
    daily_list = read_daily_input('input05.txt')
    line_field, star1, star2 = generate_field(daily_list)
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 06: python

AoC21-06: Lanternfish


Calculate exp. growth of lanternfish : After 80 days *: After 256 days


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line (one line today…​) and prepocessed. Being wary of the mentioned exp. growth, I choose a list with bins for every counter state, i.e. 10 fish with timer "3" -→ list[3] = 10. Then one iteration was just to manage bin "0" (1x to "9", 1x added to "7") and shift afterwards all bins >1 down one bin. Glad I did for star 2 😅

Learned today

Exp. growth does not always have to be scary.

# see description.adoc

from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in input_file.readlines()]
        numbers_list = [int(elem) for elem in local_list[0].split(',')]
        return_list = [numbers_list.count(i) for i in range(10)]
        return return_list

def iterate_one_day(fishcount_list):
    ''' Decrease counters by 1, spawn new 8's by 0
        Return new list
    fishcount_list[9] = fishcount_list[0]
    fishcount_list[7] += fishcount_list[0]
    for i in range(1, len(fishcount_list)):
        fishcount_list[i-1] = fishcount_list[i]
    fishcount_list[9] = 0
    return fishcount_list

def main():
    daily_list = read_daily_input('input06.txt')
    for i in range(80):
        daily_list = iterate_one_day(daily_list)
        print(i+1, daily_list)
    star1 = sum(daily_list)
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    for i in range(256-80):
        daily_list = iterate_one_day(daily_list)
        print(i+1, daily_list)
    star2 = sum(daily_list)
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 07: python

AoC21-07: The Treachery of Whales


Align crab subs horizontally at single position with minimum fuel to escape the whale. * Star1 (): Linear fuel consumption with distance * Star2 (*): Fuel consumption increases linearly with distance (1:1 + 2:2 + 3:3 + …​)


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line (one long line today…​) and prepocessed. * Two functions: * First star to calculate the sum of the differences * Second star to calculate the sum of the sums of (difference range + 1), to account for increasing fuel need

Learned today

Basic algebra: had to recheck the formula to sum first n integers :)

# see description.adoc

from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in input_file.readlines()]
        return_list = [int(elem) for elem in local_list[0].split(',')]
        return return_list

def align_on_position_lin_fuel(crab_positions, align_position):
    ''' Compute fuel needed to align crab's positions on align_position,
        star1: linear fuel need with distance
        Return amount of fuel (1 per position in-/decrement)
    max_pos = max(crab_positions)
    if (align_position > max_pos):
        return 0
    fuel_needed = [abs(crab_positions[i]-align_position) for i in range(len(crab_positions))]
    return sum(fuel_needed)

def align_on_position_inc_fuel(crab_positions, align_position):
    ''' Compute fuel needed to align crab's positions on align_position,
        star2: growing fuel need per distance with higher distance (1:1 + 2:2 + 3:3 + ...)
        Return amount of fuel (1 per position in-/decrement)
    max_pos = max(crab_positions)
    if (align_position > max_pos):
        return 0
    fuel_needed = [sum(range(abs(crab_positions[i]-align_position)+1)) for i in range(len(crab_positions))]
    return sum(fuel_needed)

def main():
    daily_list = read_daily_input('input07.txt')
    max_pos = max(daily_list)
    min_fuel = sum(daily_list)
    for i in range(max_pos):
        pos_fuel = align_on_position_lin_fuel(daily_list, i)
        if (pos_fuel == 0):
        if (pos_fuel < min_fuel):
            min_fuel = pos_fuel
            print(i, min_fuel)
            star1 = min_fuel
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    min_fuel = sum(daily_list)*sum(daily_list)
    for i in range(max_pos):
        pos_fuel = align_on_position_inc_fuel(daily_list, i)
        if (pos_fuel == 0):
        if (pos_fuel < min_fuel):
            min_fuel = pos_fuel
            print(i, min_fuel)
            star2 = min_fuel
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 08: python


Interpret garbled seven segment display with two data structures (input | output) * Star1 (): Identify easy digits by counting only output digits with uniquely identifiable length (1, 4, 7, 8) * Star2 (*): Identify all digits and construct single output number from digits. Sum all output numbers


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line and prepocessed into list of (input | output) lines * Star1: Just check output digits for length and count the uniquely identifiable digits * Star2: * Identify ambiguous digits by checking for containing segments from 'one' resp. segments from 'four' without 'one' ("crochet") * Construct string number output digit by digit * Return int(result)

Learned today

Had to sort out the identification of digits on paper for lean solution. Long live the pencil! 😁

# see description.adoc

import io
from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in input_file.readlines()]
        digit_list = [digit for digit in (elem.split() for elem in local_list)]
        return digit_list

def identify_output_number(io_line):
    ''' Parse digits to identify the numbers
        Use 'one' and ('four' minus 'one') as distinguishing feature for 5 and 6 active segments
        Return output number as int
    len_line = [len(digit) for digit in io_line]
    digit_presence = [len_line.count(i) for i in range(7)]
    # print(digit_presence)
    one = list(next(obj for obj in io_line if len(obj) == 2))
    four = list(next(obj for obj in io_line if len(obj) == 4))
    crochet = [seg for seg in four if seg not in one]
    # print(one, four, crochet)
    output = False
    result = ''
    for digit in io_line:
        brightness = len(digit)
        if (brightness == 1):
            output = True
        if output:
            if (brightness == 2):
                result += '1'
            if (brightness == 3):
                result += '7'
            if (brightness == 4):
                result += '4'
            if (brightness == 7):
                result += '8'
            if (brightness == 5): # 2, 3 or 5
                if (all(seg in digit for seg in one)):
                    result += '3'
                elif (all(seg in digit for seg in crochet)):
                    result += '5'
                    result += '2'
            if (brightness == 6): # 0, 6 or 9
                if (not all(seg in digit for seg in crochet)):
                    result += '0'
                elif (all(seg in digit for seg in one)):
                    result += '9'
                    result += '6'
    return int(result)

def main():
    daily_list = read_daily_input('input08.txt')
    easy_digits = 0
    for line in daily_list:
        output = False
        for digit in line:
            brightness = len(digit)
            if (brightness == 1):
                output = True
            if output:
                if ((brightness == 2) | (brightness == 3) | (brightness == 4) | (brightness == 7)):
                    easy_digits += 1
    star1 = easy_digits
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    sum_output = 0
    for line in daily_list:
        sum_output += identify_output_number(line)
    star2 = sum_output
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 09: python

AoC21-09: Smoke Basin


Determine 2D minima in cave floor (height: 0 .. 9)

  • Star1 (*): Consider adjacent (l, r, t, b, no diagonals) fields

  • Star2 (**): Fill minima up to height 8 and determine size (extension in positions) of basin. Multiply 3 largest basins.


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line and prepocessed into 2d int list

  • Star1: Straightforward, check for lower adjacent field for every position. Just make sure to have the comparisons right 🙄

  • Star2: Take recursive approach comparable to floodfill (thanks @rdmueller for the pointer in Slack 😅). Don’t forget to mark visited positions…​

Learned today

No easy hacking with head full of booster aftereffects…​

# see description.adoc

from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in input_file.readlines()]
        return_list = [[int(digit) for digit in list(line)] for line in local_list]
        return return_list

def check_adjacent_for_minimum(height_map, x, y):
    ''' Checks adjacent positions for lower values, consider boundary
        x: row, y: col
        Returns 0 if no minimum, else height value + 1
    if (x>=len(height_map)):
        return 0
    if (y>=len(height_map[0])):
        return 0
    min_value = True
    nominal_value = height_map[x][y]
    if (x!=0):
        if (height_map[x-1][y] <= nominal_value):
            min_value = False
    if (x!=len(height_map)-1):
        if (height_map[x+1][y] <= nominal_value):
            min_value = False
    if (y!=0):
        if (height_map[x][y-1] <= nominal_value):
            min_value = False
    if (y!=len(height_map[0])-1):
        if (height_map[x][y+1] <= nominal_value):
            min_value = False
    return (nominal_value+1) if min_value else 0

def fill_basin_recursive(height_map, min_x, min_y):
    ''' Get basin size for a minimum coordinate
        Returns basin size (number of places)
    dx = len(height_map)
    dy = len(height_map[0])
    basin_size = 0
    def fill(x,y):
        if (height_map[x][y] == 9): # 9 = limit of basin
        if (height_map[x][y] == -1): # -1 = already visited
        nonlocal basin_size
        basin_size += 1
        height_map[x][y] = -1
        if (x!=0):
            fill(x-1, y)
        if (x!=len(height_map)-1):
            fill(x+1, y)
        if (y!=0):
            fill(x, y-1)
        if (y!=len(height_map[0])-1):
            fill(x, y+1)
    return basin_size

def main():
    daily_list = read_daily_input('input09.txt')
    sum_mins = 0
    basins = []
    for x in range(len(daily_list)):
        for y in range(len(daily_list[0])):
            valley_value = check_adjacent_for_minimum(daily_list, x, y)
            if (valley_value > 0):
                sum_mins += valley_value
                basins.append(fill_basin_recursive(daily_list, x, y))
    star1 = sum_mins
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    prod_basins = 1
    for i in range(3):
        max_basin = max(basins)
        prod_basins *= max_basin
    star2 = prod_basins
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 10: python

AoC21-10: Syntax Scoring


Navigation Subsystem on the fritz: Find corrupt data

  • Star1 (*): Find closing brackets (of four kinds ([{<>}])) with no opening counterpart (corrupt lines) and calculate score

  • Star2 (**): Discard corrupt lines and calculate scores for incomplete lines and take middle score of result list


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line and prepocessed into list of strings.

  • Star1: Clean each line from completed pairs until line length stays constant. Then check for any remaining closing bracket and use that to calculate score

  • Star2: Use cleaned lines from Star1 and iterate from back to forth through chars to calculate score

Learned today

Simple counting of brackets was not enough for part1, I had to switch to actually considering opening and closing brackets. I’m glad that removing full pairs worked rather well - also for part2.

But of course I fell once more for the "middle position" in a list, with the index starting with 0…​ 🙄

# see description.adoc

import io
from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in input_file.readlines()]
        return local_list

def parse_brackets(command_line):
    ''' parse bracket types and throw return upon incorrect closing type
        Return values:
        ): 3 points.
        ]: 57 points.
        }: 1197 points.
        >: 25137 points.
        else 0
    old_len = len(command_line)+1
    while old_len > len(command_line):
        old_len = len(command_line)
        command_line = command_line.replace("()", "")
        command_line = command_line.replace("[]", "")
        command_line = command_line.replace("{}", "")
        command_line = command_line.replace("<>", "")
    bracket_pos = [command_line.find(c) for c in [')',']','}','>']]
    bracket_pos = [999 if item == -1 else item for item in bracket_pos]
    min_pos = min(bracket_pos)
    if (all(elem == min_pos for elem in bracket_pos)):
        return 0, command_line
    if (bracket_pos.index(min_pos) == 0):
        return 3, command_line
    elif (bracket_pos.index(min_pos) == 1):
        return 57, command_line
    elif (bracket_pos.index(min_pos) == 2):
        return 1197, command_line
    elif (bracket_pos.index(min_pos) == 3):
        return 25137, command_line
    return 0, command_line

def count_brackets(command_line):
    ''' count bracket types from back to forth and calculate score
        ): 1 points.
        ]: 2 points.
        }: 3 points.
        >: 4 points.
    score = 0
    for i in range(len(command_line)-1, -1, -1):
        c = command_line[i]
        if (c == '('):
            score = score*5 + 1
        elif (c == '['):
            score = score*5 + 2
        elif (c == '{'):
            score = score*5 + 3
        elif (c == '<'):
            score = score*5 + 4
    return score

def main():
    daily_list = read_daily_input('input10.txt')
    syntax_sum = 0
    incomplete_lines = []
    for line in daily_list:
        syntax_value, parsed_line = parse_brackets(line)
        if (syntax_value == 0):
            syntax_sum += syntax_value
    star1 = syntax_sum
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    scores = []
    for line in incomplete_lines:
    star2 = scores[round(len(scores)/2)-1]
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 11: python

AoC21-11: Dumbo Octopus


Christmas lights had to be switched off for bioluminescently flashing dumbo octopus'. Navigate by the flashing from the squids.

  • Star1 (*): Squids gain 1 energy per step, flash at energy level >9 and also charge adjacent 8 squids, which might then also flash in single step. Calculate number of flashes in 100 steps.

  • Star2 (**): Iterate squid game further until all squids flash together first time in a single step.


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line and prepocessed into list of ints.

  • Star1: Iterate single step. Small array, no need for recursion. Spread flash to adjacents and mark flashed as 0. Important: Stick to 0 level after flashing.

  • Star2: Continue iterations until first time flash count equals all squids.

Learned today

Straightforward. Some hiccups like count step as 195 or 196, but all manageable with the test input :)

# see description.adoc

import io
from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in input_file.readlines()]
        return_list = [[int(digit) for digit in line] for line in local_list]
        return return_list

def do_single_step(energy_levels):
    ''' Iterate energy levels through single step
        Return new energy_levels, number of flashes (energy levels >9), bool if flash count equals all squids
    flashes = 0
    depth = len(energy_levels)
    width = len(energy_levels[0])
    energy_levels = [[energy+1 for energy in line] for line in energy_levels]
    old_flashes = -1
    while (flashes > old_flashes):
        old_flashes = flashes
        for x in range(depth):
            for y in range(width):
                if (energy_levels[x][y]>9):
                    flashes +=1
                    energy_levels[x][y] = 0
                    adjacents = [(x-1,y+1),(x,y+1),(x+1,y+1),(x-1,y),(x+1,y),(x-1,y-1),(x,y-1),(x+1,y-1)]
                    for adj in adjacents:
                        if ((0 <= adj[0] < depth) and (0 <= adj[1] < width)):
                            if (energy_levels[adj[0]][adj[1]] != 0):
                                energy_levels[adj[0]][adj[1]] += 1
    return energy_levels, flashes, flashes == depth*width

def main():
    daily_list = read_daily_input('input11.txt')
    sum_flashes = 0
    star2 = 0
    for i in range(100):
        daily_list, flash_count, is_sync = do_single_step(daily_list)
        sum_flashes += flash_count
        if (is_sync and (star2 == 0)):
            star2 = i+1
    star1 = sum_flashes
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    if (star2 == 0):
        i = 100
        is_sync = False
        while not is_sync:
            daily_list, flash_count, is_sync = do_single_step(daily_list)
            i += 1
        star2 = i
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 12: python

AoC21-12: Passage Pathing


Map cave system with small (lowercase) and large (highercase) caves

  • Star1 (*): How many distinct paths through most caves there are without visiting any smaller case twice?

  • Star2 (**): How many distinct paths through most caves there are without visiting A SINGLE smaller case twice?


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line and prepocessed into list of caves and list of links.

  • Star1: Recursively run from cave through all cave’s links, starting with 'start', ending with 'end'. Discard small caves if already in path. Remove double paths and those not ending in 'end' (coming from spawning a new path for every link, as my other approaches did not run reliably through all options…​ 🙄)

  • Star2: Repeat Star1, only this time allowing a small cave to spawn a new path twice, if no other small caves are already twice in path. Takes a while with my anti-optimized approach…​

Learned today

Got reminded, that recursive without practice and template can be a long series of pitfalls (especially in a cave system 😉). Plus once more: Read the task thoroughly, as my VS Code crashed while trying to run through all paths with any number of small caves allowed twice…​

# see README.adoc

import io
from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in input_file.readlines()]
        connection_list = [item.split('-') for item in local_list]
        caves = set([item for sublist in connection_list for item in sublist])
        connectors = dict()
        for cave in caves:
            for connection in connection_list:
                if cave == 'end':
                if cave in connection:
                    if not (cave in connectors.keys()):
                        connectors[cave] = []
                    for cv in connection:
                        if ((cv != cave) and (cv != 'start')):
        return caves, connectors

def find_paths(caves, links, star = 1):
    ''' find number of paths from 'start' to 'end' by recursively iterating
        star1: visit small caves (lowercase) only once
        star2: visit single small cave twice
    paths = list()

    def go_step(path, new_cave):
        if new_cave == 'end':
        for cave in links[new_cave]:
            if (all(c.islower() for c in cave) and (cave in path)):
                if (star == 1):
                lowies = [cv for cv in path if all(c.islower() for c in cv)]
                if (any(path.count(cv)==2 for cv in lowies)):
            go_step(paths[-1], cave)

    go_step(paths[-1], 'start')
    paths = [p for p in paths if p[-1] == 'end']
    paths = [p for i,p in enumerate(paths) if p not in paths[i+1:]]
    # pprint(paths)
    return paths

def main():
    caves, links = read_daily_input('input12.txt')
    star1 = len(find_paths(caves, links))
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    print("Path finding for Star2 will take some time...")
    star2 = len(find_paths(caves, links, 2))
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 13: python

AoC21-13: Transparent Origami


Get code by setting dots on transparent paper and folding it.

  • Star1 (*): How many visible dots on sheet after first fold

  • Star2 (**): What 8 letters are visible after all folds


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line and prepocessed into sheet with '1' for dot and '0' for transparent, as well as list of folds.

  • Star1: Iterate single fold and count visible dots.

  • Star2: Iterate all folds and display the eight letter from the dots. Be careful to move the right lines - move in both directions from the folding line. Otherwise the output will be illegible…​

Learned today

Took some time to find the error (garbled characters). Did not iterate from foldline first, but from the outside, leading to a pixel shift on some folds…​

# see README.adoc

import math
from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in input_file.readlines()]
    coordinates = [item.split(',') for item in local_list[:local_list.index('')]]
    fold_instructions = [item.split()[2] for item in local_list[local_list.index('')+1:]]
    return coordinates, fold_instructions

def preprocess_input(coordinates_list, fold_instructions):
    ''' Preprocess daily input
        Put coordinates into sheet, parse fold_instructions
        Return sheet with dots, fold lines
        ! BEWARE: 2d list 'sheet' is flipped & rotated vs. instructions
    coordinates = [[int(x), int(y)] for (x, y) in coordinates_list]
    max_x = max([x for (x, __) in coordinates])
    max_y = max([y for (__, y) in coordinates])
    sheet = [[0 for y in range(max_y+1)] for x in range(max_x+1)]
    for point in coordinates:
        sheet[point[0]][point[1]] = 1
    folds=[[axis, int(coord)] for (axis, coord) in (item.split('=') for item in fold_instructions)]
    return sheet, folds

def transpose_list(any_list):
    ''' Transpose list for analysis
    return [[row[i] for row in any_list] for i in range(len(any_list[0]))]

def fold_sheet(sheet, fold_axis, fold_coord):
    ''' "Fold" sheet along axis on line coord.
        superpose inverted second half with first half and discard second half
        Return new sheet
        ! BEWARE: 2d list 'sheet' is flipped & rotated vs. instructions
    max_row = len(sheet)
    max_col = len(sheet[0])
    if fold_axis == 'y':  # fold along col
        for row in range(max_row):
            for i, col in enumerate(range(fold_coord+1, max_col)):
                sheet[row][fold_coord-1-i] = 1 if (sheet[row][fold_coord-1-i]+sheet[row][col] > 0) else 0
        folded_sheet = [item[:fold_coord] for item in sheet]
        return folded_sheet
    else:  # fold along row
        for i, row in enumerate(range(fold_coord+1, max_row)):
            for col in range(max_col):
                sheet[fold_coord-1-i][col] = 1 if (sheet[fold_coord-1-i][col]+sheet[row][col] > 0) else 0
        folded_sheet = [item for item in sheet[:fold_coord]]
        return folded_sheet

def main():
    coordinates, fold_instructions = read_daily_input('input13.txt')
    sheet, folds = preprocess_input(coordinates, fold_instructions)
    first_folded_sheet = fold_sheet(sheet, folds[0][0], folds[0][1])
    star1 = sum([sum(row) for row in first_folded_sheet])
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    fully_folded_sheet = sheet.copy()
    for fold in folds:
        fully_folded_sheet = fold_sheet(fully_folded_sheet, fold[0], fold[1])
    star2_list = transpose_list(fully_folded_sheet)
    for row in star2_list:
        print(''.join(['█' if c == 1 else ' ' for c in row]))
    star2 = 's. above'
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 14: python

AoC21-14: Extended Polymerization


Polymerization to protect the outer sub shell. Provided: initial polymer string and reactions (char pairs into which new char is inserted)

  • Star1 (*): 10 polymerization steps: highest element number - lowest element number

  • Star2 (**): 40 polymerization steps: highest element number - lowest element number


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line and prepocessed into the polymer as well as a dict of reactions (e.g. 'AB': 'C').

  • Star1: Classic string action. 10 iterations work well. Easy to process and easy to count…​

  • Star2: 40 iterations do not fit into RAM. New approach: Count and manage letter pairs. Worked well, except for own stupidity.

Learned today

Had all afternoon that feeling, that I just need to find the little glitch, as test data worked, but not real input. But I did not test the 40cyc test data…​

Only much too late found the error: no reset after the first 10 cycles to check for match with star1 -→ ran 50 cycles 🤦‍♂️

# see README.adoc

import math
from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in input_file.readlines()]
    initial_polymer = local_list[0]
    reactions = {item.split('->')[0].strip():item.split('->')[1].strip() for item in local_list[2:]}
    return initial_polymer, reactions

def single_step(polymer, reactions):
    ''' Iterate one polymerization step by inserting monomers
        Return new polymer
    new_polymer = ''
    for i, c in enumerate(polymer[:-1]):
        new_polymer += polymer[i]
        interface = polymer[i:i+2]
        if (interface in reactions.keys()):
            new_polymer += reactions[interface]
    new_polymer += polymer[-1]

def single_step_count(paircount, reactions):
    ''' Iterate one polymerization step by counting and adapting the pairs
        Return new dict of pair count
    for key, n in paircount.copy().items():
        paircount[key] -= n
        middle = reactions[key]
        left, right = key
        paircount[left + middle] = n if (left + middle not in paircount.keys()) else paircount[left + middle]+n
        paircount[middle + right] = n if (middle + right not in paircount.keys()) else paircount[middle+right]+n
    return paircount

def count_pairs(initial_polymer, chars, polypairs):
    ''' Count pairs as if in polymer
        Return max count - min count
    char_count = dict()
    for c in chars:
        char_count[c] = 0
        for k in polypairs.keys():
            if (c == k[0]):
                char_count[c] += polypairs[k]
    char_count[initial_polymer[-1]] += 1
    return max(char_count.values()) - min(char_count.values())

def main():
    polymer, reactions = read_daily_input('input14.txt')
    new_polymer = polymer
    for __ in range(10):
        new_polymer = single_step(new_polymer, reactions)
    chars = set([c for c in new_polymer])
    char_count = dict()
    for c in chars:
        char_count[c] = new_polymer.count(c)
    star1 = max(char_count.values()) - min(char_count.values())
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")

    polypairs = dict()
    for i in range(len(polymer)-1):
        polypairs[polymer[i:i+2]] = 1 if (polymer[i:i+2] not in polypairs.keys()) else polypairs[polymer[i:i+2]] + 1
    for __ in range(10):
        polypairs = single_step_count(polypairs, reactions)
    star1 = count_pairs(polymer, chars, polypairs)
    print(f"Result (*) counting: {star1}")
    for __ in range(30):
        polypairs = single_step_count(polypairs, reactions)
    star2 = count_pairs(polymer, chars, polypairs)
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 15: python

AoC21-15: Chiton


Another 2D cave with risk level per position, due to chiton covered cave walls

  • Star1 (*): What is the lowest risk level of all paths through cave

  • Star2 (**): Expand cave to 5x5 map with incremental risk levels. Get new path with lowest risk.


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line and preprocessed into 2d list of risk levels. First approach was to aggregate first line into second line, as example had no complicated path. O naïve me…​ (It actually worked, just the result was wrong…​ 😁)

So with several hints from Slack and Reddit I looked up Dijkstra and implemented it. My first version worked for star1, too, but was considerably slower than the online example. By swapping some lines and adjusting some others it got considerably faster, though

  • Star1: Dijkstra version 1 (by "me")

  • Star2: Expand risk layer, and use optimized Dijkstra (inspired by others 🤓)

Learned today

First Dijkstra implementation: Map risk layer to dict with (coord):risk and use accumulated path risk as priority for PriorityQueue. Store visited coords in dict (coord):accumulated_risk.

I actually learned that it is much faster to put the adjacents directly to the visited list than the coordinates fresh from the queue. Probably avoids several re-visits of coords until all adjacents have been popped from the queue…​

# see README.adoc

import math
from pprint import pprint
from queue import PriorityQueue

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in input_file.readlines()]
    return_list = [[int(c) for c in line] for line in local_list]
    return return_list

def transpose_list(any_list):
    ''' Transpose list for analysis
    return [[row[i] for row in any_list] for i in range(len(any_list[0]))]

def eval_nextline(risk_layer, firstline = False):
    ''' Evaluate risk for all positions in second line
        Return new risklayer
        Does not work if optimal path has to go up a line...
    less_risk_layer = [row[:] for row in risk_layer]
    if (len(less_risk_layer) == 1):
        return less_risk_layer
    if firstline:
        for i in range(len(risk_layer[0])):
            risk_factors = [sum(risk_layer[0][:j+1])+sum(risk_layer[1][j:i+1])-risk_layer[0][0] for j in range(i+1)]
            # print(i, risk_factors)
            less_risk_layer[1][i] = min(risk_factors)
        min_risks = [sum(risk_layer[0]) for __ in range(len(risk_layer[0]))]
        for start in range(len(risk_layer[0])):
            risk_factors = [0 for __ in range(len(risk_layer[0]))]
            for i in range(len(risk_layer[0])):
                if (i<start):
                    risk_factors[i] = risk_layer[0][start] + sum(risk_layer[1][i:start])
                    risk_factors[i] = min([sum(risk_layer[0][start:j+1])+sum(risk_layer[1][j:i+1]) for j in range(start, i+1)])
                if (risk_factors[i] < min_risks[i]):
                    min_risks[i] = risk_factors[i]
                # print(i, risk_factors)
        less_risk_layer[1] = min_risks
    return less_risk_layer[1:]

def get_path(risk_layer):
    ''' First Djikstra approach: Create graph (dict) of risk layer and push connections to PriorityQueue.
        Return lower right value
    risk_graph = {(x, y): r for x, line in enumerate(risk_layer) for y, r in enumerate(line)}
    max_x = len(risk_layer)
    max_y = len(risk_layer[0])
    q = PriorityQueue()
    q.put((0, (0, 0)))
    visited = {(0, 0): 0}
    while not q.empty():
        _r, (_x, _y) = q.get()
        for adj in {(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)}:
            _nx = _x + adj[0]
            _ny = _y + adj[1]
            if ((_nx < 0) or (_nx >= max_x) or (_ny < 0) or (_ny >= max_y)):
            _nr = _r + risk_graph[(_nx, _ny)]
            if (_nx, _ny) == (max_x - 1, max_y - 1):
                return _nr
            if (((_nx, _ny) in visited.keys()) and (visited[(_nx, _ny)] <= _nr)):
            visited[(_nx, _ny)] = _nr
            q.put((_nr, (_nx, _ny)))
        # print(visited)

def expand_risklayer(risk_layer):
    ''' Expand map 4x to the right and to the bottom for star2
        Increase risk level on each expansion by 1
        Returns expanded risklayer
    large_risklayer = list(risk_layer).copy()
    for x_add in range(4):
        chunk = [[((r+x_add)%9+1) for r in line] for line in risk_layer]
        for j in range(len(large_risklayer.copy())):
            large_risklayer[j] = large_risklayer[j] + chunk[j]

    basic_risklayer = large_risklayer.copy()
    for y_add in range(4):
        for j, line in enumerate(basic_risklayer):
            new_line = [((r+y_add)%9+1) for r in line]
        # print("-------------------")
        # for line in new_risklayer:
        #     print('.'.join(str(i) for i in line))
    return large_risklayer

def main():
    risk_layer = read_daily_input('input15.txt')
    # risk_layer = read_daily_input('input_test.txt')

    # for line in risk_layer:
    #     print('.'.join(str(i) for i in line))
    star1 = get_path(risk_layer)
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    huge_risklayer = expand_risklayer(risk_layer)
    star2 = get_path(huge_risklayer)
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 16: python

AoC21-16: Packet Decoder


Decode long hexadecimal packet with several sub-packets

  • Star1: Sum up version info from all packets and sub-packets.

  • Star2: Carry out encoded operations in packets and calculate final score of main packet.


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line and preprocessed. Today single line and preprocessing is main task of star1…​

  • Star1: Write parser to parse packet hierarchy and sum up version info.

  • Star2: Improve parser to carry out operations as well and calculate final score of main packet. As parser from Star1 produced already recursively a list of all packets, the aggregation operations were just a small addition. Still did unelegantly copy the parser functions and separately implemented the code execution…​ 🙄

Learned today

Getting better with recursive stuff. There are probably lots of libs out there to do the parsing with two lines of regex, but my hands-on approach worked, too, in the end. Part 2 was thus quite easy to add in the end, after no more duplicate packets were in the final packet list 😁

# see README.adoc

import math
from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in input_file.readlines()]
    # local_list[0] = 'D2FE28'
    # local_list[0] = '8A004A801A8002F478'
    bin_list = [n for c in local_list[0] for n in format(int(c, 16), '04b')]
    return bin_list

def parse_input(main_stream, packets = []):
    ''' Parse packet as list of bit-strings
        Return list of packets

    def read_chunk(stream, n):
        ''' Reads number n of bits of stream
            Returns value of bits and returns rest of stream
        return int(''.join(stream[:n]), 2), stream[n:]

    def read_literal(stream):
        ''' Reads and splits sub-packets of 5 bit
            Returns list of data numbers and rest of stream
        last = False
        data = []
        while not last:
            data_packet = stream[:5]
            if (data_packet[0] == '0'):
                last = True
            stream = stream[5:]
        return int(''.join(data), 2), stream

    def read_single_packet(stream):
        ''' Reads single packet
            Return list of dict(s) and rest of stream
        new_packet = {'ver': None, 'type': None, 'op_l': None, 'data': None}
        # print(stream)
        ver, stream = read_chunk(stream, 3)
        new_packet['ver'] = ver
        type, stream = read_chunk(stream, 3)
        new_packet['type'] = type
        # print(ver, type)
        if (type == 4):
            data, stream = read_literal(stream)
            new_packet['data'] = data
            # print("new literal packet\n", new_packet)
            return [new_packet], stream
            op_l, stream = read_chunk(stream, 1)
            new_packet['op_l'] = op_l
            # print(op_l)
            if (op_l == 0):
                bit_length, stream = read_chunk(stream, 15)
                sub_stream = stream[:bit_length]
                new_0packets = []
                while ((len(sub_stream) > 10) and (sum([int(c) for c in sub_stream]) > 0)):
                    bit_packets, sub_stream = read_single_packet(sub_stream)
                return ([new_packet] + new_0packets), stream[bit_length:]
                packet_count, stream = read_chunk(stream, 11)
                new_1packets = []
                # print("sub_packetcount:", packet_count)
                while len(new_1packets) < packet_count:
                    counted_packets, stream = read_single_packet(stream)
                    # print("new sub packets\n", new_packets)
                # print("new 1 packet\n", new_packets)
                return ([new_packet] + new_1packets), stream

    # print("main stream: \n", main_stream)
    while ((len(main_stream) > 10) and (sum([int(c) for c in main_stream]) > 0)):
        new_packets, main_stream = read_single_packet(main_stream)
        # print("packets \n", packets)
    return packets

def interpret_input(main_stream, packets = []):
    ''' Parse packet as list of bit-strings and interpret op packets
        Return score

    def read_chunk(stream, n):
        ''' Reads number n of bits of stream
            Returns value of bits and returns rest of stream
        return int(''.join(stream[:n]), 2), stream[n:]

    def read_literal(stream):
        ''' Reads and splits sub-packets of 5 bit
            Returns list of data numbers and rest of stream
        last = False
        data = []
        while not last:
            data_packet = stream[:5]
            if (data_packet[0] == '0'):
                last = True
            stream = stream[5:]
        return int(''.join(data), 2), stream

    def do_the_op(op, packets):
        ''' Carry out the operation from op code with data packets
            Return result value
        if op == 0: # sum
            return sum([p['data'] for p in packets])
        if op == 1: # product
            prod = 1
            for p in packets:
                prod = prod * p['data'] if p['data'] != None else prod
            return prod
        if op == 2: # min
            return min([p['data'] for p in packets])
        if op == 3: # max
            return max([p['data'] for p in packets])
        if op == 5: # p1 > p2 ? 1 : 0
            return 1 if packets[0]['data'] > packets[1]['data'] else 0
        if op == 6: # p1 < p2 ? 1 : 0
            return 1 if packets[0]['data'] < packets[1]['data'] else 0
        if op == 7: # p1 = p2 ? 1 : 0
            return 1 if packets[0]['data'] == packets[1]['data'] else 0

    def read_single_packet(stream):
        ''' Reads single packet
            Return list of dict(s) and rest of stream
        new_packet = {'ver': None, 'type': None, 'op_l': None, 'data': None}
        # print(stream)
        ver, stream = read_chunk(stream, 3)
        new_packet['ver'] = ver
        type, stream = read_chunk(stream, 3)
        new_packet['type'] = type
        # print(ver, type)
        if (type == 4):
            data, stream = read_literal(stream)
            new_packet['data'] = data
            # print("new literal packet\n", new_packet)
            return [new_packet], stream
            op_l, stream = read_chunk(stream, 1)
            new_packet['op_l'] = op_l
            # print(op_l)
            if (op_l == 0):
                bit_length, stream = read_chunk(stream, 15)
                sub_stream = stream[:bit_length]
                new_0packets = []
                while ((len(sub_stream) > 10) and (sum([int(c) for c in sub_stream]) > 0)):
                    bit_packet, sub_stream = read_single_packet(sub_stream)
                result = do_the_op(type, new_0packets)
                new_packet['data'] = result
                return [new_packet], stream[bit_length:]
                packet_count, stream = read_chunk(stream, 11)
                new_1packets = []
                # print("sub_packetcount:", packet_count)
                while len(new_1packets) < packet_count:
                    counted_packet, stream = read_single_packet(stream)
                    # print("new sub packets\n", new_packets)
                # print("new 1 packet\n", new_packets)
                result = do_the_op(type, new_1packets)
                new_packet['data'] = result
                return [new_packet], stream

    # print("main stream: \n", main_stream)
    while ((len(main_stream) > 10) and (sum([int(c) for c in main_stream]) > 0)):
        new_packet, main_stream = read_single_packet(main_stream)
        # print("packets \n", packets)
    return packets

def main():
    main_packet = read_daily_input('input16.txt')
    # print(''.join(main_packet))
    packets = parse_input(main_packet.copy())
    # pprint(packets)
    star1 = sum([p['ver'] for p in packets])
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    star2 = interpret_input(main_packet)[0]['data']
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 17: python

AoC21-17: Trick Shot


Shoot probe into target area under the influence of drag and gravity.

  • Star1 (*): What is the highest culmination point possible?

  • Star2 (**): How many start velocities are hitting the mark?


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line and preprocessed into target_x and target_y ranges.

  • Star1: Determine min velocity_x to reach target. Iterate through large enough range to hit all possibilities. Return max height.

  • Star2: Use length of results list. Increase range of velocity_y to negative start values 😅

Learned today

There’s always a range+1 initial value that might still hit the target 🙃

# see README.adoc

import math
from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in input_file.readlines()]
    target_area_range = [int(num.strip(', ')) for item in local_list[0].split()[2:4] for num in item.split("=")[1].split('..')]
    x = target_area_range[:2]
    y = target_area_range[2:]
    return x, y

def check_target(pos, target_x, target_y):
    ''' Check if pos is in target_range
        Return bool
    x, y = pos
    return ((target_x[0] <= x <= target_x[1]) and (target_y[0] <= y <= target_y[1]))

def shoot_probe(velocity, target_x, target_y):
    ''' Shoot probe with initial velocity.
        Return whether target region reached as max height or not as 0
            The probe's x position increases by its x velocity.
            The probe's y position increases by its y velocity.
            Due to drag, the probe's x velocity changes by 1 toward the value 0; that is, it decreases by 1 if it is greater than 0, increases by 1 if it is less than 0, or does not change if it is already 0.
            Due to gravity, the probe's y velocity decreases by 1.
    x, y = (0, 0)
    v_x, v_y = velocity
    max_height = 0
    while x <= max(target_x) and y >= min(target_y):
        x += v_x
        y += v_y
        if (y > max_height):
            max_height = y
        if check_target((x, y), target_x, target_y):
            return True, max_height
        v_x = max(0, v_x - 1)
        v_y -= 1
    return False, 0

def main():
    target_x, target_y = read_daily_input('input17.txt')
    # target_x, target_y = read_daily_input('input_test.txt')
    print('Target area: ', target_x, target_y)
    n = 0
    sum_num = 0
    while sum_num < target_x[0]:
        n += 1
        sum_num = (n * (n + 1)) / 2
    results = []
    for v_x in range(n, max(target_x)+1):
        for v_y in range((-20*n), 20*n):
            mark, result = shoot_probe((v_x, v_y), target_x, target_y)
            if (mark):
    star1 = max(results)
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    star2 = len(results)
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 18: python

AoC21-18: Snailfish


Do the math addition homework …​ in snailfish maths with nested pair numbers, exploding pairs if nesting gets too deep and splitting if numbers get higher than 9…​

  • Star1: Evaluate (explode / split) addition of snailfish number series. Calculate "magnitude" of resulting expression.

  • Star2: Evaluate all homework snailfish number pairs and find highest magnitude


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line and preprocessed.

  • Star1: Write parser for expression by eval() of string. Ugly extensive nested ifs/isinstances. Long bug hunt for rare case of double splits 🙄.

  • Star2: Struggled with shallow copy effects, spoiling the main list. Eval string expression just prior to usage -→ another ugly hack…​

Learned today
  • Do not forget to return directly after recursive function call, else active part might get called twice…​

  • Got reminded of the f* by reference handling of those deeply-nested lists

# see README.adoc

import math
import re
import copy
from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in input_file.readlines()]
    return local_list

def eval_string(sno):
    ''' Evaluate directly the string
    if (re.search('[a-zA-Z]', sno) != None): # limit risks with eval() below
        return sno
    while not finished:
        bracket_level = 0
        last_num_index = 0
        last_digit = ''
        finished = True
        for i, c in enumerate(sno):
            if (c == '['):
                bracket_level += 1
                if (bracket_level == 5): # explode
                    close_i = sno[i:].find(']')
                    bracket = eval(sno[i, i+close_i+1])
                    if (last_num_index != 0):
                        left_no = sno[:last_num_index] + str(int(last_digit)+int(bracket[0])) + '0'
                        left_no = sno[:i] + '0'

                    sno = left_no + '0' + f"[{lefty},{righty}]" + sno[i+1:]
                    finished = False
            if (c == ']'):
                bracket_level -= 1
        for i, c in enumerate(sno):
            if c.isdigit():
                if (last_num_index == i - 1): # split
                    value = int(last_digit + c)
                    lefty = str(math.floor(value/2))
                    righty = str(round(value/2))
                    sno = sno[:i-1] + f"[{lefty},{righty}]" + sno[i+1:]
                    finished = False
                last_num_index = i
                last_digit = c

def evaluate_expression(expression, verbose = True):
    ''' Evaluate single snailfish number for explode or split
        Return new expression
    def add_to(element, addition, index = -1):
        if isinstance(element, int):
            element += addition
            return element
            element[index] = add_to(element[index], addition, index)
        return element

    def check_splitfree(my_list, splitfree = True):
        if not splitfree:
            return my_list, splitfree
        for i, item in enumerate(my_list):
            if isinstance(item, list):
                item, splitfree = check_splitfree(item, splitfree)
                if not splitfree:
                    return my_list, splitfree
            elif item > 9:
                my_list[i] = [math.floor(float(item)/2), math.ceil(float(item)/2)]
                return my_list, False
        return my_list, splitfree

    finishable = False
    if verbose:
    while not finishable:
        explode_buffer = 0
        finishable = True
        for i1, item1 in enumerate(expression):
            if isinstance(item1,list): # [[a, b], c]
                for i2, item2 in enumerate(item1):
                    if isinstance(item2,list): # [[[a, b], c], d]
                        for i3, item3 in enumerate(item2):
                            if isinstance(item3,list): # [[[[a, b], c], d], e]
                                for i4, item4 in enumerate(item3):
                                    if isinstance(item4, list) and finishable: # explode
                                        finishable = False
                                        if (i4 != 0):
                                            item3[i4-1] = add_to(item3[i4-1], item4[0])
                                        elif (i3 != 0):
                                            item2[i3-1] = add_to(item2[i3-1], item4[0])
                                        elif (i2 != 0):
                                            item1[i2-1] = add_to(item1[i2-1], item4[0])
                                        elif (i1 != 0):
                                            expression[i1-1] = add_to(expression[i1-1], item4[0])
                                        # print('explode1:', expression)
                                        explode_buffer = item4[1]
                                        item3[i4] = 0
                                    elif not finishable:
                                        item3[i4] = add_to(item3[i4], explode_buffer, 0)
                                        explode_buffer = 0
                            elif not finishable:
                                item2[i3] = add_to(item2[i3], explode_buffer, 0)
                                explode_buffer = 0
                    elif not finishable:
                        item1[i2] = add_to(item1[i2], explode_buffer, 0)
                        explode_buffer = 0
            elif not finishable:
                expression[i1] = add_to(expression[i1], explode_buffer, 0)
                explode_buffer = 0

        if verbose and not finishable:
            print('explode2: ', expression)
        if finishable:
            expression, finishable = check_splitfree(expression, finishable)
            # if max_value > 9:
            #     finishable = False
            if verbose:
                print('split: ', expression)
    return expression

def get_magnitude(expression):
    ''' Calculate magnitude
    left_exp, right_exp = expression
    lefty = 3 * left_exp if isinstance(left_exp, int) else 3 * get_magnitude(left_exp)
    righty = 2 * right_exp if isinstance(right_exp, int) else 2 * get_magnitude(right_exp)
    return lefty + righty

def main():
    calc_sheet = read_daily_input('input18.txt')
    # calc_sheet = ['[[[[2, [1,12]],4], 3], 6]']
    # calc_sheet  = ['[[[[0, [5, 8]], [[1, 7], [9, 6]]], [[4, [1, 2]], [[1, 4], 2]]],2]']
    # pprint(calc_sheet)
    calculus = []
    for sno_line in calc_sheet:
        if (re.search('[a-zA-Z]', sno_line) == None): # basic eval() protection
            expression = list(eval(sno_line))
            calculus.append(evaluate_expression(expression, False))
    result = calculus[0]
    for i, sno in enumerate(calculus[1:]):
        # print([result] + [sno])
        result = evaluate_expression([result] + [sno], False)
        # print('---------------------------\nresult: ', result)
    star1 = get_magnitude(result)
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    mags = []
    span = len(calc_sheet)
    for i in range(span):
        for j in range(i+1, span):
            if (re.search('[a-zA-Z]', calc_sheet[i]) == None): # basic eval() protection
                lefty = list(eval(calc_sheet[i]))
            if (re.search('[a-zA-Z]', calc_sheet[j]) == None): # basic eval() protection
                righty = list(eval(calc_sheet[j]))
            input1 = [lefty] + [righty]
            buffer1 = evaluate_expression(input1.copy(), False)

            if (re.search('[a-zA-Z]', calc_sheet[i]) == None): # basic eval() protection
                lefty = list(eval(calc_sheet[i]))
            if (re.search('[a-zA-Z]', calc_sheet[j]) == None): # basic eval() protection
                righty = list(eval(calc_sheet[j]))
            input2 = [righty] + [lefty]
            buffer2 = evaluate_expression(input2.copy(), False)
    star2 = max(mags)
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Day 20: python

AoC21-20: Trench Map


Improve 2-bit image with image processing (3x3 sliding window to determine position in image processing table)

  • Star1 (*): Amount of pixels after two iterations of image processing

  • Star2 (**): Amount of pixels after 50 iterations…​


Data is read from the file 'input<two-digit-day>.txt' line by line and preprocessed into dict of bright pixels (1) and image_processor list. The catch (thanks to reddit!) was, that 9 unlit pixel generate a lit one and vice versa - on an infinite canvas…​ 🙄. Two things follow:

  1. Every uneven iteration leads to an infinite canvas of lit pixels → an even number of iterations is necessary to have a countable results.

  2. By simply iterating the image processing with a growing canvas, the border starts to get ugly from unhandled border conditions and spoil the result.

The approach here is to "pump" the canvas: every uneven iteration grows (by 8 pixels on every side, empiric determination…​) to generate a solid border of lit pixels, then every even iteration’s canvas gets reduced (by -4 pixels per side, same procedure…​) to avoid the ugly border condition and end in a cleanly lit border.

  • Star1: Iterate manually twice

  • Star2: Further(!) iterate 48 times

Result canvas is plotted.

Learned today
  • Same bug was found much faster this time, that iteration happend 52 times 😁

  • Eric can be mean with his puzzles. Reddit can be useful 🙃

# see README.adoc

import math
from pprint import pprint

def read_daily_input(filename):
    ''' Read lines from file with given input name
        cast to daily required type and return list
    with open(filename) as input_file:
        local_list = [item.strip() for item in input_file.readlines()]
    image_processor = list()
    dots = set()
    read_dots = False
    for i, line in enumerate(local_list):
        if line == '':
            read_dots = True
            line_shift = i + round((len(local_list) - i)/2)
        if not read_dots:
            image_processor.extend([1 if c == '#' else 0 for c in line])
            col_shift = round(len(line)/2)
            dots.update({(i-line_shift, j-col_shift) for j, c in enumerate(line) if c == '#'})
    return image_processor, dots

def process_raw(dots, image_processor, border, verbose = True):
    ''' Process one iteration of image
        Returns new dots
    def get_niner(dots, x, y, verbose):
        ''' Get value of niner-block as bits
        niner = ['1' if (dx, dy) in dots else '0' for dx in range(x-1, x+2) for dy in range(y-1, y+2)]
        if verbose:
            print(''.join(niner), int(''.join(niner),2), image_processor[int(''.join(niner),2)])
        return int(''.join(niner),2)

    min_x = min([x for x, y in dots])
    max_x = max([x for x, y in dots])
    min_y = min([y for x, y in dots])
    max_y = max([y for x, y in dots])
    proc_dots = set()
    if image_processor[get_niner(dots, 0, 0, verbose)] == 1:
        proc_dots.add((0, 0))
    for x in range(min_x-border, max_x+border+1):
        for y in range(min_y-border, max_y+border+1):
                if image_processor[get_niner(dots, x, y, verbose)] == 1:
                    proc_dots.add((x, y))
    ### Trying to fix catch by starting in center... no difference
    # for dx in range(1, max_x+border):
    #     for dy in range(1, max_y+border):
    #         for x in range(-dx, dx):
    #             if image_processor[get_niner(dots, x, dy, verbose)] == 1:
    #                 proc_dots.add((x, dy))
    #             if image_processor[get_niner(dots, x, -dy, verbose)] == 1:
    #                 proc_dots.add((x, -dy))
    #         for y in range(-dy, dy):
    #             if image_processor[get_niner(dots, dx, y, verbose)] == 1:
    #                 proc_dots.add((dx, y))
    #             if image_processor[get_niner(dots, -dx, y, verbose)] == 1:
    #                 proc_dots.add((-dx, y))
    if verbose:
    return proc_dots

def plot_dots(dots):
    ''' Print dots matrix
    min_x = min([x for x, y in dots])
    max_x = max([x for x, y in dots])
    min_y = min([y for x, y in dots])
    max_y = max([y for x, y in dots])
    for x in range(min_x-1, max_x+2):
        line = ['#' if (x, y) in dots else '.' for y in range(min_y-1, max_y+2)]

def main():
    image_processor, dots = read_daily_input('input20.txt')
    # image_processor, dots = read_daily_input('input_test.txt')
    dots = process_raw(dots, image_processor, 8, False)
    dots = process_raw(dots, image_processor, -4, False)
    star1 = len(dots)
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    for i in range(24):
        dots = process_raw(dots, image_processor, 8, False)
        dots = process_raw(dots, image_processor, -4, False)
    star2 = len(dots)
    print(f"Result (*): {star1}")
    print(f"Result (**): {star2}")

if __name__ == "__main__":