

: RJPlog

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Day 00: kotlin

Day 00: Hello World!

At the beginning this is just an exercise to get my setup running.

Day 01: kotlin

Day 1: Calorie Counting

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/1

First Star

How does it work:

Inside function calories the puzzle input is read and accumulated. Whenever a new block comes, the accumulated value is added to a list and the accumulation starts from new. The function takes one input parameter, if it is 1 only the max value of the list with accumulated calories is returned

fun calories(in1: Int): Int {

	var caloriesPerElf = mutableListOf<Int>()
	var calories: Int = 0

	File("day2201_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		if (it == "") {
			calories = 0
		} else {
			calories += it.toInt()

	if (in1 == 1) {
		return caloriesPerElf.max() ?: 0
	} else {
		return caloriesPerElf.sorted().takeLast(3).sum()
Second Star

How does it work:

The same function call is used only with a different input parameter and therefore not the max value is returned but the sum of the three highest values

fun calories(in1: Int): Int {

	var caloriesPerElf = mutableListOf<Int>()
	var calories: Int = 0

	File("day2201_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		if (it == "") {
			calories = 0
		} else {
			calories += it.toInt()

	if (in1 == 1) {
		return caloriesPerElf.max() ?: 0
	} else {
		return caloriesPerElf.sorted().takeLast(3).sum()

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 1: Calorie Counting ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 is that Elf carrying?")
	print("   oneliner: ")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 are those Elves carrying")
	print("   oneliner: ")
Add on

Since today I had some free time, I tried to find another solution with only one line. There was still some trouble with using readText, I guess there is still some missmatch with the charset, I used readLines instead which is not as elegant, but for the time being I need to get back to some other stuff.

UPDATE: I found the issue with readText(), for new line not only \n is in the input file but \r\n which needs different splitting.

fun day01Part1Solution() = File("day2201_puzzle_input.txt").readText().split("\r\n\r\n").map {it.split("\r\n").map {it.toInt()}.sum()}.max() ?:0
//fun day01Part1Solution() = File("day2201_puzzle_input.txt").readLines().joinToString("\n").split("\n\n").map {it.split("\n").map {it.toInt()}.sum()}.sortedDescending()[0]

fun day01Part2Solution() = File("day2201_puzzle_input.txt").readText().split("\r\n\r\n").map {it.split("\r\n").map {it.toInt()}.sum()}.sorted().takeLast(3).sum()
//fun day01Part2Solution() = File("day2201_puzzle_input.txt").readLines().joinToString("\n").split("\n\n").map {it.split("\n").map {it.toInt()}.sum()}.sortedDescending().take(3).sum()

Day 02: kotlin

Day 2: Rock Paper Scissors

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/2

First Star

How does it work:

Inside function rockPaperScissors the puzzle input is read line by line. With a simple when construct for each game the result is added to a final result.

fun rockPaperScissors(in1: Int): Int {

	var result: Int = 0

	File("day2202_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		if (in1 == 1) {
			when (it) {
				("A X") -> result += 1 + 3
				("A Y") -> result += 2 + 6
				("A Z") -> result += 3 + 0
				("B X") -> result += 1 + 0
				("B Y") -> result += 2 + 3
				("B Z") -> result += 3 + 6
				("C X") -> result += 1 + 6
				("C Y") -> result += 2 + 0
				("C Z") -> result += 3 + 3
		} else {
			when (it) {
				("A X") -> result += 3 + 0  // lose
				("A Y") -> result += 1 + 3  // draw
				("A Z") -> result += 2 + 6  // win
				("B X") -> result += 1 + 0
				("B Y") -> result += 2 + 3
				("B Z") -> result += 3 + 6
				("C X") -> result += 2 + 0
				("C Y") -> result += 3 + 3
				("C Z") -> result += 1 + 6
	return result
Second Star

How does it work:

The same function call is used only with a different input parameter and therefore a second when construct is taking care for adding up the correct scores of each game.

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 2: Rock Paper Scissors---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 is your total score?")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 would be your total score")

Day 03: kotlin

Day 3: Rucksack Reorganization

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/3

First Star

How does it work:

Inside function RuRePartOne the puzzle input is read line by line. Each line is split into two substrings and than iterated through every letter to find the common ones. The values of the letter are added to the result.

fun RuRePartOne(): Int {

	var result: Int = 0

	File("day2203_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		val compOne = it.chunked(it.length / 2)[0]
		val compTwo = it.chunked(it.length / 2)[1]
		for (i in 1..52) {
			var item: Char
			if (i < 27) {
				item = (i + 96).toChar()
			} else {
				item = (i + 64 - 26).toChar()
			if (compOne.contains(item) && compTwo.contains(item)) {
				result += i
	return result
Second Star

How does it work:

Inside function RuRePartTwo the puzzle input is read line by line. Every third line all values so far were iterated through every letter to find the common one. The values of the letter are added to the result.

fun RuRePartTwo(): Int {

	var result: Int = 0
	var groupCount: Int = 0
	var compOne = ""
	var compTwo = ""
	var compThree = ""

	File("day2203_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		if (groupCount == 0) {
			compOne = it
		} else if (groupCount == 1) {
			compTwo = it
		} else {
			compThree = it
			for (i in 1..52) {
				var item: Char
				if (i < 27) {
					item = (i + 96).toChar()
				} else {
					item = (i + 64 - 26).toChar()
				if (compOne.contains(item) && compTwo.contains(item) && compThree.contains(item)) {
					result += i
			groupCount = -1
		groupCount += 1
	return result

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 3: Rucksack Reorganization ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 is the sum of the priorities of those item types")
	print("   alternative: ")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 is the sum of the priorities of those item types")
	print("   alternative: ")
Add on

I did not like the solution with the loops, taking a lot lines of code. So I investigated in some shorter solution:

fun RuReOneAlt1() = File("day2203_puzzle_input.txt").readLines()
	.map { (it.chunked(it.length / 2)[0].toList() - (it.chunked(it.length / 2)[0].toList() - it.chunked(it.length / 2)[1].toList())).joinToString() }
	.map { if (it.toCharArray()[0].toInt() > 95) it.toCharArray()[0].toInt() - 96 else it.toCharArray()[0].toInt() - 64 + 26 }

fun RuReOneAlt2() = File("day2203_puzzle_input.txt").readLines()
	.map {it[0].toList() - (it[0].toList()-it[1].toList()) - (it[1].toList()-it[2].toList())}
	.map { if (it.toCharArray()[0].toInt() > 95) it.toCharArray()[0].toInt() - 96 else it.toCharArray()[0].toInt() - 64 + 26 }

Day 04: kotlin

Day 4: Camp Cleanup

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/4

First Star

How does it work:

Inside function CampCleanUp the puzzle input is read line by line. Each line is split into the ranges of the elfs and all complete overlaps are counted at input == 1

fun CampCleanUp(in1: Int): Int {

	var result: Int = 0

	File("day2204_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		var (a, b, c, d) = """(\d+)-(\d+),(\d+)-(\d+)""".toRegex().find(it)!!.destructured
		var elf1 = IntRange(a.toInt(),b.toInt())
		var elf2 = IntRange(c.toInt(),d.toInt())
		if (in1 == 1) {
			if ( (elf1.contains(c.toInt()) && elf1.contains(d.toInt())) || (elf2.contains(a.toInt()) && elf2.contains(b.toInt()))) {
				result += 1
		} else {
			if (elf1.contains(c.toInt()) || elf1.contains(d.toInt()) || elf2.contains(a.toInt()) || elf2.contains(b.toInt()) ) {
				result += 1
	return result
Second Star

How does it work:

Inside function CampCleanUp the puzzle input is read line by line. Each line is split into the ranges of the elfs and all partly overlaps are counted at input != 1

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 4: Camp Cleanup ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 is that assignment pairs does one range fully contain the other.")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 assignment pairs do the ranges overlap")

Day 05: kotlin

Day 5: Supply Stacks

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/5

First Star

How does it work:

The input file is processed by writing the single stacks in a list of lists. After that is done, the crane instructions are parsed and the crates are copied and deleted from the stack where they were taken from and then added to the stack which are they supposed to be delivered. The function SuSaN does this dependent on the input value for part one or part two

fun SuSa(in1: Int): String {

	var stackStaplesNew = MutableList(20) { mutableListOf<Char>() }

	File("day2205_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		if (it.contains("[")) {
			for (i in 0..(it.length) / 4) {
				if (it[i * 4 + 1] != ' ') {
					stackStaplesNew[i].add(it[i * 4 + 1])

		if (it.contains("move")) {
			var num = it.substringAfter("move ").substringBefore(" from").toInt()
			var stFrom = it.substringAfter("from ").substringBefore(" to").toInt()
			var stTo = it.substringAfter("to ").toInt()

			if (in1 == 1) {
				for (i in 1..num) {
					stackStaplesNew[stTo - 1].add(0, stackStaplesNew[stFrom - 1][0])
					stackStaplesNew[stFrom - 1].removeAt(0)

			} else {
				for (i in 1..num) {
					stackStaplesNew[stTo - 1].add(i-1, stackStaplesNew[stFrom - 1][0])
					stackStaplesNew[stFrom - 1].removeAt(0)

	var result: String = ""
	stackStaplesNew.forEach {
		result = result + it.take(1).joinToString()
	return result
Second Star

How does it work:

Part two takes the same function SuSa as part one, only difference is that adding the crates to the stack will be in different order.

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 5: Supply Stacks ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 crate ends up on top of each stack")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 are those Elves carrying")

Day 06: kotlin

Day 6: Tuning Trouble

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/6

First Star

How does it work:

Inside the function TuTr the input string is windowed by the number of necessary letters (input value) and each time an index is increased. As soon as all letters of the window are different, the index is returned.

fun TuTr(in1: Int): Int {

    var puzzle_input = "sbpbwwrlwrwggscsfcsshsvhshphttzctztfflddvbvcbcvbcbnbrrstsspsvpvllncccqssqdssnsmshmshhtssbzzlplffzppddmhhwnhntnjtnjtnnqggjdgjdjrjffsdfsfbsffhtthwwfssqpspllcvcdvvfvfzfbzzgpglpgpmppfsfdfbfvvfjfsjjvqqbvqbvqbvvlvglvglvljvjzvvqcvqcqjcqqpddqbqcqrqmmvnvbnnfqnncznccqjcqqjzzwlltrrmmlwlllbjlblzlddfdmmscmsspfssqggbsbsjjdqdqgqgqbqdqrqlrrltttghthrtrwrdrnrfnfvftvtsvtvwtvwttvqtvtccqtqmqggwhhhlzhhrwwbwqwbbfrrmddwhdwdnwdwbdwwsswtwnnvvdggbbtwbbwllgffqpffpgpgmpmmjqqmpmffjgfgrffdzzspzptzzdszszbsbsbsvsbbhsbsbddnhhrqqcwwblbwlwnnthtsshmshmhgmgqgjqqpccfvcvbbbnllgmlgmmbnmnlmlzlffrrrgssmcmddnpdndtntrrqdqldldbbtppvddgndnwwctwccpbpffngnsgshggphggtssgngtnthtllzflzflzfzrfftgtstppghgnnpggrdgdnnswwccljlflwwgzgcgrrhssbwbllblnlvlddsffgrrnbbmsmmmhjmjvmjvmjmqqpdqppltlflmfmssqcqsqvsvsggpglplslggqtggmsmmmgffrccrvvsdvdvfddprdprrwjrjcjjmlmrmqmggqgdqdwdsdwwwgfwfddrcdcvcmmjbbmrrhlrrwcwvcclttwbwttgffnmnjmjdmmmlqmqrrlblplccdbcbwcbcpphpqpqlqrllqwwjsjgjbjqbbmcmzmrrqtrqqmcmmnjmjbbtnnbbjdjzzvbzvzjzdjzjrzzfzfbbmnmdnnzppmbpbhbdbvvqnqqnqrnrzrhhrddbqdqpqqwgwlglplglslhhpjpdjdjgddnppmvppjddczccgsccdsccbcvczccnbnmmsnsmmrwmwbmbbcpbbwbppzggdnnnzmnzzvrvcrvcvcrvrnrzzqzmzttjhhnffqggnqqwzwfzfwzwfwcwnccwgcwgcgqcgqcggzgwgfwgfffjttjddwswqqnttqwqsqhhcmchcscbbnwnlwlrlppqnnwjnjtntrtdtbbmzzrmzrzvrzvrzzwqwqllccnffvmmfmvmzzfttnnzttrbttdvvhdhzhzhvzzfsfszsvsttrqqdlldflfjjnqjjbhhqhzhcchppzsznntdntdddqqwjqjqmmgnnhrhjhnjnznwwdpplzzfzztbzzbmzmbbgjgtjtqjqpqhqgqhhtztpzpmzmjmhhjwwjsspbssvdsvsgvssghgvglgtltgllmhmtmhttfgglwgllpvpgpspzzhnnzcnzzldzdmzmlzzwtwhhlfhhvthhjdjsdsmddgzzsjjnznjnmjjgdgtdtzdtdvtddzwzgwwqvqccwrrrvddbtdbbshbhssnvsnvssswcwjcjlltvvltvvdsdqdsswlwttzfzhzjjgjsgjgttbccsvcscllbfbzzwwwznwwtzwzjzwjjgqjqrjrdjrddzsznsznzpzszhzzspzzbzrzhhsbspsqpqqqpddhdcdldttlccjrjsrsfftfdfrrtntpnpsnnwjnwnznpzzlqqlmqlmmcddlqqzssglsglssprmnvltqhslvqmvszjtvtwqjcdngjmftnhwvjdvtwwhtnsdmvjdspnhnlmjgnmwlspcvpdmlsrnbbzlmwwrslssmcbggmfvgzsnpnlnzdqsbhcfjdccrspnzfmhbvwstvccvqqjlwhpnlrrwszjnrtdfzwrwlzwvdvbzbvltdpfwrjlslmrctwvbbvdrctgtgwtwpjjghhvdsqhplfrsjqlgsrbfgwdjlzdpdljtvjmpwqqbghndqnvjhngtpnpvzfbtchncwdqjhmzjlpdggbdcqrfjlwvczvpspljqmpgtrsvwwhqncfvfrwbnvsfjqlsjdlrqzmlqjgcpghhgzfhjcglllnhtmchrrptbzhqnfntgqbfstrvpsqsvqvcvpgjnchbvmgtgzqfrqcjrvldzghdfrvllrtfcwnsmmgdrcbjmdqgbfwmpwhfjmnbqrbvqvnmjlqtsjqvhzpdsgbjpjngmzbgnznvjqprfvwzjrfrwfdqrtlcgqqlvrzwmqwjbdvprvpwvdcrfdrcttnmnvjfrsrrmjgfjdmpdpnfsrwnprtdpvdmdwssvjrqtlcvpgrqgqqqffvvssbmghzjrzrzlcrnfjtdbvwsjzfvcrsmgqbcrdrjwdwbltffwbgjwtgtdblmlhvhlcpgdmpcztmpmgjghqpwzwtpnmnmgnqqrrtwczgmgtdbgdqtpnlbnzhshsfzsmrztffrmlsgqcprbjpqwjlqgwvctpmpshgzbzsjgqhzvsrjfwplvjbvltrlfldvsmlppcmsfrbbctggmqmjnhppstzrcfjtdgfwrrnmlvjphwtlqtjqcntjtzvgjtwvthjfbgpwhlrzdqncmggvgthmgjvrbnzbndsldnlcgtcqbqdnnbnqhvtpfnrclttfwcpnqscjbzdvbqrrsbzpdfhjllbjwsltjpmdnbrrzvhvzzqnlbglsjrnjbqffnnzmldfvtvmldfsztrnpcjgblsdhzfzmfqzlfrtslglhfvszppptjnjqcdmjcwqmfzhnqbfhslwhvtjfvcftzsphvghvtjjswpwghnfngmzddbwwqddsphvhcrwtthsjfswfqbvdsqghmrspdldfqmchnnrcdvjsclcnlsncsplchvzrwqbtvvqlqspftrwmjcbgpzbsmnfccbzgnhqsfjgmmsqsscdscfjbrmmtjbsphhlrlsgbllrptqrcgnqchzfddjwlldsbpcnzfbspfpchclqfbbtjpmtmtjthcdvwhrtqbgmgldcgcnmmhtbnqpzzcwlrscbzcqjzgztwjrnbmsnqtcllznlctzrntftspmnvhtfwbljnmrwsstvbmwclqrfpmwvjphrwddzdwtlfcvzlvqdmzhnvslfnfjhvdndlgbvvzbztpwvqzbzsbtqpqfmgqfgpzctfrqfjwmsnmlfqbgrlmncntcbshjhdcbqnvznhtcgcmmhnsbwpzbvtqbntwgflhjgmvvfhdbwfqmnfjlzdvvnpmvjrdfdnrhpbtllhbtbswwvrbwjgnqpbgnfrjtvbczbpmrcbwdlhztzssnwshjmmcqchptrtchrqncdgdtmwrlnmmwqlzqswwwvpngvwcphgnzrhpprjnbldscvwlqdjwnhjrnscdwlnhnsbwgzjtgvzdgqcjcgvrdhntszhdnjsbbrfphlmdlldjdslbjnnsfbmcnvtlczmtnhrwblnbrdptcpmsbwqptgmwzsqnmmchwnnrvrlfsrglfzzqbnzmpdtnhhbmfqvsrsdsctvhqwfgbtvhbbrsrqmrvvplrnbfnbdmrvzpgctdtglndhcqnllvvcppgfbwjrpqcbghlqdbmpzwrqpmvwddqgthlmzmdsvzdfsmgzltbsvphctzgjsmqvgjlsbgnvmgprbcsfhgrtbwtnnrsqcwfzrhlgjcwcfrjhffrvrvtnpczvwvjnnhfdgcppnnjjpttptcbmdqvgdbhdmlqgcqsrnbcrbtcgzbvgmhbnwzsgnwzbhdqqmvtpssvlvsttgnmcclqnjcgjnvtdggrcwsgbpjljgzgtllsnfvfshtbbpwrjhzvzswlfdvhbpngvgddcmhbzqcvnjhfsqpnvvsdvdtmqlqpzcgsnwlflnqprbqnwdqchjvsptbtrvtzvhrmrvznfpzmcsgnqtdvghhzwrrwvqwrztvdbjjtfchpftdcbthpfdczwchpptwzdpswvbhppdphgvpfzhprpqtnprgfmdnqrbrdlclcmhrdfrcdhwpcqhnbwmhrrgnctpvsqmphcwwvlmslszhdz"
    var markerFound = false
    var index = in1

    	if (it.toList().distinct().size == in1) {
        	if (!markerFound) {
            	return index
            	markerFound = true
    	index += 1
    return -1
Second Star

How does it work:

Part two takes the same function TuTr as part one but uses a different input parameter.

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 6: Tuning Trouble ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 characters need to be processed before the first start-of-packet marker is detected")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 characters need to be processed before the first start-of-message marker is detected")

Day 07: kotlin

Day 7: No Space Left On Device

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/7

First Star

How does it work:

Today it got more difficult for me. I thought that may be a good oportunity to deal with data classes, so first I had to figure out how to work with data classes. I defined a Directory data class, which contains folder name, parent folder name, a list of subfolder names (also of class Directory) and the cummulated size of the files directly in this folder.

With the function NoSpace first the input is parsed line by line, whenever there occurs a new directory, a new data class is generated, and all data classes are stored in one list of Directory, containing all parsed information.

In a loop then this list will be aggregated to the total size of all files contained in a folder and it’s subfolders.

For the solution of part one all folders > 100000 are cummulated. Could have done also with .filter, but works also with forEach.

fun NoSpace(in1: Int): Long {

	// create Folderstructure
	var folderList = mutableListOf<Directory>()
	var currentFolder: String = ""

	File("day2207_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		if (it.contains("$ cd")) {
			var parameter = it.split(" ")[2]
			if (parameter != "..") {
				parameter = currentFolder + it.split(" ")[2]
				if (!folderList.contains(Directory(parameter))) {
					folderList[folderList.indexOf(Directory(parameter))].parentDirectory = currentFolder
				currentFolder = parameter
			} else {
				currentFolder = folderList[folderList.indexOf(Directory(currentFolder))].parentDirectory
		} else if (it[0].isDigit()) {
			folderList[folderList.indexOf(Directory(currentFolder))].sizeOfFiles += it.split(" ")[0].toLong()
		} else if (it.take(3) == "dir") {
					currentFolder + it.split(
						" "

	// aggregate all folder sizes
	var aggEnd = false
	var folderSize = mutableListOf<Directory>()

	while (!aggEnd) {
		aggEnd = true
		folderSize.forEach {
			if (it.subDirectories.size > 0) {
				var subDirectory = it.subDirectories[0].name
				if (folderSize[folderSize.indexOf(Directory(subDirectory))].subDirectories.size == 0) {
					it.sizeOfFiles += folderSize[folderSize.indexOf(Directory(subDirectory))].sizeOfFiles
					aggEnd = false

	// use previous calculations for both part1 and part2
	if (in1 == 1) {
		// sum up all folders with almost 100000
		var result: Long = 0
		folderSize.forEach {
			if (it.sizeOfFiles <= 100000) {
				result += it.sizeOfFiles
		return result
	} else {
		// search for the total disk space
		var totalDiskSpace = folderSize.map { it.sizeOfFiles }.max() ?: 0

		// calculate the value which needs to be freed up
		var amountToFreeUp = totalDiskSpace - 40000000

		// return the smallest folder size which is still higher than the space to be freed up
		return folderSize.map { it.sizeOfFiles }.filter { (it - amountToFreeUp) > 0 }.min() ?: 0
Second Star

How does it work:

For part two the same aggregated list is used to find the smallest folder with a size still above the needed space to be deleted

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 7: No Space Left On Device ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 is the sum of the total sizes of those directories")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 is the total size of that directory")

Day 08: kotlin

Day 8: Treetop Tree House

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/8

Today I was a little bit puzzled by the specification, because it named the third tree in the forth row as the ideal spot with a senic score of 8, but there are other trees in the example with a higher one, so while testing with the given example the highest score was 16 and I did not find out how to differenciate with the "ideal" spot.

At the end looking simply at the highest score the puzzle answer was accepted, no matter if this would be the ideal spot.

UPDATE: There was a fault in my code, since solution for part 2 uses parts of code of part 1 the result variable was already pre initialized for part 1 (outline trees visible = 16). For part 2 this did not matter, because the final senic score was higher than the init value, so I did not recogise the bug → thanks to Peter!

The solution starts with calling a function TreeTreeHouse. Here the puzzle input will be read into one string and width and height of the tree area will be determined. After that dependent on the input results of the two parts of the puzzle will be solved using additional functions.

fun TreeTreeHouse(in1: Int): Int {
	var width = 0
	var height = 0
	var treeList: String = ""

	//store input in a single string, single trees are accesible by their coordinates (index = x + y*width)
	File("day2208_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		width = it.length
		height += 1
		treeList += it

	// initialize result with outer lines
	var resultPart1: Int = (height + width) * 2 - 4
	var resultPart2: Int = 0

	// start for each puzzle part the calculation for each tree
	for (y in 1..height - 2) {
		for (x in 1..width - 2) {
			if (in1 == 1) {
				if (treeIsVisible(x, y, treeList, width, height)) {
					resultPart1 += 1
			} else {
				var senSco = senicScore(x, y, treeList, width, height)
				if (senSco > resultPart2) resultPart2 = senSco

	if (in1 == 1) {
		return resultPart1
	} else {
		return resultPart2
First Star

How does it work:

The function treeIsVisible just runs trough the grid starting from the given tree and checks if it is visible from any direction. All visible trees were added to the result.

fun treeIsVisible(x: Int, y: Int, treeList: String, width: Int, height: Int): Boolean {
	var isVisibleLeft: Boolean = true
	var isVisibleRight: Boolean = true
	var isVisibleUp: Boolean = true
	var isVisibleDown: Boolean = true

	var currentTree = treeList[x + y * width]

	for (i in 0..x - 1) {
		if (treeList[i + y * width] >= currentTree) isVisibleLeft = false
	for (i in x + 1..width - 1) {
		if (treeList[i + y * width] >= currentTree) isVisibleRight = false
	for (i in 0..y - 1) {
		if (treeList[x + i * width] >= currentTree) isVisibleUp = false
	for (i in y + 1..height - 1) {
		if (treeList[x + i * width] >= currentTree) isVisibleDown = false
	return isVisibleLeft || isVisibleRight || isVisibleUp || isVisibleDown
Second Star

How does it work:

The function _senicScore just runs trough the grid starting from the given tree and checks how far is the visibility in any direction. All directions are multiplied and the highest score will be the result.

fun senicScore(x: Int, y: Int, treeList: String, width: Int, height: Int): Int {
	var senScoLeft: Int = 0
	var senScoRight: Int = 0
	var senScoUp: Int = 0
	var senScoDown: Int = 0

	var currentTree = treeList[x + y * width]

	var equalTreeReached = false

	for (i in x - 1 downTo 0) {
		if (!equalTreeReached) {
			if (treeList[i + y * width] < currentTree) {
				senScoLeft += 1
			} else {
				senScoLeft += 1
				equalTreeReached = true
	equalTreeReached = false

	for (i in x + 1..width - 1) {
		if (!equalTreeReached) {
			if (treeList[i + y * width] < currentTree) {
				senScoRight += 1
			} else {
				senScoRight += 1
				equalTreeReached = true
	equalTreeReached = false

	for (i in y - 1 downTo 0) {
		if (!equalTreeReached) {
			if (treeList[x + i * width] < currentTree) {
				senScoUp += 1
			} else {
				senScoUp += 1
				equalTreeReached = true
	equalTreeReached = false

	for (i in y + 1..height - 1) {
		if (!equalTreeReached) {
			if (treeList[x + i * width] < currentTree) {
				senScoDown += 1
			} else {
				senScoDown += 1
				equalTreeReached = true

	return senScoLeft * senScoRight * senScoUp * senScoDown

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Treetop Tree House ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 trees are visible from outside the grid")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 is the highest scenic score possible for any tree")

Day 09: kotlin

Day 9: Rope Bridge

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/9

The solution uses for both parts of the puzzle function RopeBridge. Here the puzzle input is parsed and the path of the rope’s head is calculated and stored in first list of lists. For all following segments it’s path is calculated by calling function follow using the coordinates of the segment one before. The path for all segments is stored in a list of lists.

function RopeBrigde

fun RopeBridge(in1: Int): Int {

	var (xH, yH) = Pair(0, 0)
	var (xT, yT) = Pair(0, 0)
	var allPath = MutableList(10) { mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>(Pair(0, 0)) }

	File("day2209_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		var (dir, steps) = it.split(" ")

		for (i in 1..steps.toInt()) {
			xH = allPath[0].takeLast(1)[0].first
			yH = allPath[0].takeLast(1)[0].second
			if (dir == "U") {
				yH += 1
			} else if (dir == "D") {
				yH -= 1
			} else if (dir == "R") {
				xH += 1
			} else if (dir == "L") {
				xH -= 1
			allPath[0].add(Pair(xH, yH))

			// add loop for all 9 sections of rope
			for (j in 1..9) {
				xT = allPath[j].takeLast(1)[0].first
				yT = allPath[j].takeLast(1)[0].second
				xH = allPath[j - 1].takeLast(1)[0].first
				yH = allPath[j - 1].takeLast(1)[0].second

				val newPos = follow(xH, yH, xT, yT)

				xT = newPos.first
				yT = newPos.second
				allPath[j].add(Pair(xT, yT))
	if (in1 == 1) {
		return allPath[1].distinct().size
	} else {
		return allPath[9].distinct().size

function follow

fun follow(xH: Int, yH: Int, xT: Int, yT: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
	var xTNew: Int = xT
	var yTNew: Int = yT

	if ((xT != xH) && (yT != yH) && (abs(xT - xH) > 1 || abs(yT - yH) > 1)) {
		if ((xH - xT) > 0) {
			xTNew = xT + 1
		} else if ((xH - xT) < 0) {
			xTNew = xT - 1
		if ((yH - yT) > 0) {
			yTNew = yT + 1
		} else if ((yH - yT) < 0) {
			yTNew = yT - 1
	} else if ((xT != xH) || (yT != yH)) {
		if ((xH - xT) > 1) {
			xTNew = xT + 1
		} else if ((xH - xT) < -1) {
			xTNew = xT - 1
		if ((yH - yT) > 1) {
			yTNew = yT + 1
		} else if ((yH - yT) < -1) {
			yTNew = yT - 1
	return Pair(xTNew, yTNew)
First Star

How does it work:

After calculating the path of all segments the path of the first segment will be stripped of all positions visited more than once and than the remaining positions counted.

Second Star

How does it work:

After calculating the path of all segments the path of the last segment (#9) will be stripped of all positions visited more than once and than the remaining positions counted.

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 9: Rope Bridge ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 positions does the tail of the rope visit at least once")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 positions does the tail of the rope visit at least once")

Day 10: kotlin

Day 10: Cathode-Ray Tube

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/10

The solution uses for both parts of the puzzle function CathodRay. Here the puzzle input is parsed, cycle incremented and register calculated. For a addx instruction the cycle is updated twice.

function CathodRay

fun CathodRay(in1: Int): Int {

	var signalStrength = mutableListOf<Int>()
	var messurePoint = mutableListOf(20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220)
	var output = mutableListOf<Int>()
	var cycle: Int = 1
	var register: Int = 1

	File("day2210_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		if (it == "noop") {
			cycle += 1
			if (messurePoint.contains(cycle)) {
				signalStrength.add(cycle * register)

		} else if (it.contains("addx")) {
			var value = it.substringAfter("addx ").toInt()
			cycle += 1
			if (messurePoint.contains(cycle)) {
				signalStrength.add(cycle * register)
			cycle += 1
			register += value
			if (messurePoint.contains(cycle)) {
				signalStrength.add(cycle * register)

	// return value for different Parts
	if (in1 == 1) {
		return signalStrength.sum()
	} else {
		for (y in 0..5) {
			for (x in 0..39) {
				var sprite = output[x + y * 40]
				if (x == sprite || x == sprite - 1 || x == sprite + 1) {
				} else {
	return -1
First Star

How does it work:

During stepping through the cycles and calculation of the X register at times 20, 60, 100,…​ the register value is multiplied with the cycle and stored into a list. At the end the sum of the list is returned as result.

Second Star

How does it work:

For all cycles the register value is stored into a list. At the end of the program, this list is printed out by taking into consideration current position on screen and current position of sprite

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 10: Cathode-Ray Tube ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 is the sum of these six signal strengths.")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	var solution2 = CathodRay(2)

Day 11: kotlin

Day 11: Monkey in the Middle

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/11

To solve the puzzle, first a data class Monkey is defined, it will hold all necessary informations of each monkey per turn.

data class Monkey(var number: Int) {
	var items = mutableListOf<Long>()
	var operation: String = ""
	var secondValue: String = ""
	var test: Long = 0
	var ifTrue: Int = 0
	var ifFalse: Int = 0
	var counts:Long = 0

For the solution itself, first the puzzle input is parsed and a list of Monkey is filled with all monkeys out of the puzzle input. After that, this list is used to iterate through each monkey and through each item of the monkey. For each item the worry factor is calculated and depending on the test result, the item thrown to the next monkey.

First Star

How does it work:

Each worry level is divided by 3, and the number of turns is 20. Since the number of evaluations is counted before, the to highest values are taken and multiplied by each other returned as a result.

fun MonkeyMiddle(in1: Int): Long {

	// parse puzzle input and fill list of monkeys with their roles and contents
	var monkeyList = mutableListOf<Monkey>()
	var monkey: Int = 0
	var primeFactor = 1

	File("day2211_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		if (it.contains("Monkey")) {
			monkey = it.substringAfter("Monkey ").dropLast(1).toInt()
		} else if (it.contains("Starting")) {
			var items = it.substringAfter("Starting items: ").split(", ")
			items.forEach {
		} else if (it.contains("Operation")) {
			var items = it.substringAfter("Operation: new = ").split(" ")
			monkeyList[monkey].operation = items[1]
			monkeyList[monkey].secondValue = items[2]
		} else if (it.contains("Test")) {
			var items = it.substringAfter("Test: divisible by ")
			monkeyList[monkey].test = items.toLong()
			primeFactor *= items.toInt()
		} else if (it.contains("true")) {
			var items = it.substringAfter("If true: throw to monkey ")
			monkeyList[monkey].ifTrue = items.toInt()
		} else if (it.contains("false")) {
			var items = it.substringAfter("If false: throw to monkey ")
			monkeyList[monkey].ifFalse = items.toInt()

	// controll data flow for part one and part two
	var n : Int
	if (in1 == 1) {
		n = 20
	} else {
		n = 10000

	// play turns of the monkey in the middle game
	for (i in 1..n) {
		monkeyList.forEach {
			var operation = it.operation
			var secondValue = it.secondValue
			var test = it.test
			var ifTrue = it.ifTrue
			var ifFalse = it.ifFalse
			it.items.forEach {
				var worry: Long = 0
				var b: Long
				if (secondValue == "old") {
						b = it
				} else {
						b = secondValue.toLong()
				if (operation == "+") {
						worry = it + b
				} else if (operation == "-") {
						worry = it - b
				} else if (operation == "*") {
						worry = it * b
				if( in1 == 3) {
				worry = worry / 3
				} else {
					worry = worry % (primeFactor)
				if (worry % test == 0L) {
				} else {
			it.counts += it.items.size

	// prepare result
	var countsList = mutableListOf<Long>()

	return countsList[0]*countsList[1]
Second Star

How does it work:

Since the number of turns increased from 20 to 10000 and there was no recuction of the worry level any more, it was to be expected that numbers are growing very fast. Unfortunately switching from Int to Long did not help, so there must be an other solution for getting numbers down at each cycle.

First of all I guessed it must have to do with primes, since every test value was a prime, and I wasted lots of time to think about deconstruction into prime factors (this is why the varialbe used is called primeFactor).

At the end the key was that a worry level is only divisible if there is no rest, means if you simple reduce the worry factor each time it gets bigger than the test level of all monkeys multiplied by this value, the test works also for the remaining worry level.

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 10: Cathode-Ray Tube ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 is the sum of these six signal strengths.")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 is the sum of these six signal strengths.")  //16068009780 to high

Day 12: kotlin

Day 12: Hill Climbing Algorithm

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/12

Today started with difficulties for me. First I wanted to generate all possible pathes in list of list but failed with different issues. After reading a lot of stuff about optimization algorithms I considered A* for to complicated. That’s why I stripped it down to the following "low" A*. A list distList with all possible fields is generated. It is initialized with width*heigth, means the maximum possible length. Then for a given start point all reachable neighbours are evaluated, and for each the minimum distance is stored, either the previous value or the parent place plus one. The list will be iterated and for all values reached (distList != width*heigth) the evaluation of the neighbours is started.

I guess this is still some kind of brute force, since there is no distinguishing between already finished positions, and there is no priorization of the positions with the lowest distance.

fun HillClimbing(in1: Int): Int {

	var landscape: String = ""
	var xStart: Int = 0
	var yStart: Int = 0
	var xEnd: Int = 0
	var yEnd: Int = 0
	var width: Int = 0
	var height: Int = 0

	File("day2212_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		width = it.length
		if (it.contains("S")) {
			xStart = it.indexOf("S")
			yStart = height
		if (it.contains("E")) {
			xEnd = it.indexOf("E")
			yEnd = height
		landscape += it.replace("S", "a").replace("E", "z")
		height += 1

	var distList = MutableList(width * height) { width * height }
	distList[xStart * yStart * width] = 0

	if (in1 == 2) {
		for (y in 0..height - 1) {
			for (x in 0..width - 1) {
				if (landscape[x + y * width] == 'a') {
					distList[x + y * width] = 0

	// iterate over all points
	var gameEnd: Boolean = false
	var distListSum = distList.sum()

	while (!gameEnd) {
		for (y in 0..height - 1) {
			for (x in 0..width - 1) {
				// check successors of all known nodes
				var dist = distList[x + y * width]
				if (dist != width * height) {
					// calculate all possible directions
					if (x - 1 >= 0) {
						if (landscape[(x - 1) + y * width] <= landscape[x + y * width] + 1) {
							distList[x - 1 + y * width] = min(distList[(x - 1) + y * width], dist + 1)
					if (x + 1 < width) {
						if (landscape[(x + 1) + y * width] <= landscape[x + y * width] + 1) {
							distList[(x + 1) + y * width] = min(distList[(x + 1) + y * width], dist + 1)
					if (y - 1 >= 0) {
						if (landscape[x + (y - 1) * width] <= landscape[x + y * width] + 1) {
							distList[x + (y - 1) * width] = min(distList[x + (y - 1) * width], dist + 1)
					if (y + 1 < height) {
						if (landscape[x + (y + 1) * width] <= landscape[x + y * width] + 1) {
							distList[x + (y + 1) * width] = min(distList[x + (y + 1) * width], dist + 1)
		if (distListSum == distList.sum()) {
			gameEnd = true
		distListSum = distList.sum()
	return distList[xEnd + yEnd * width]
First Star

How does it work:

While reading the input file the coordinates for the starting point are evaluated. For the starting point the distance in the distList is set to zero, this is the starting point of the evaluation. After distList does not change anymore, the distance at endpoint is the solution

Second Star

How does it work:

For part two not only for the starting point the distance in the distList is set to zero, but for all values with 'a', they are the starting point of the evaluation. After distList does not change anymore, the distance at endpoint is the solution

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 12: Hill Climbing Algorithm ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 is the fewest steps.")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 is the fewest steps.")

Day 14: kotlin

Day 14: Regolith Reservoir

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/14

Puzzle today looks very similar to 2018 day 17. This I have not solved up to now, but in preparation for this year’s challenge I tried to and have a first draft, which I now reworked for today, but the solution still is not really a good one, part 2 takes round about 6 minutes.

First the puzzle input has to be processed, therefore I create to lists where all ranges are stored for x and y walls, these can be used afterwards to check if a possible place for a sand corn is already a wall.

Having the xRange and yRange set up, a loop starts for x= 500, y= 0 and dependend if there is a wall or already a sand corn position is moved down, left down or right down, or a sand corn is placed. All already placed sand corns are stored in a list fallingSand.

	var fallingSand = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
	var gameEnd: Boolean = false
	var sandCount = 0

	while (!gameEnd) {
		var x = 500
		var y = 0

		while (true) {
			// if field below is empty, go one step deper /if not go left or right / or place sand
			if (!(fallingSand.contains(Pair(x, y + 1)) || checkTilesClay(x, y + 1, xRange, yRange))) {
				y += 1
				if (in1 == 1) {
					if (y > yMax) {
			} else if (!(fallingSand.contains(Pair(x - 1, y + 1)) || checkTilesClay(x - 1, y + 1, xRange, yRange))) {
				x -= 1
				y += 1
			} else if (!(fallingSand.contains(Pair(x + 1, y + 1)) || checkTilesClay(x + 1, y + 1, xRange, yRange))) {
				x += 1
				y += 1
			} else {
				fallingSand.add(Pair(x, y))
		if (in1 == 2) {
			if (fallingSand.contains(Pair(500, 0))) {
				gameEnd = true
		} else {
			if (sandCount == fallingSand.count()) {
				gameEnd = true
		sandCount = fallingSand.count()
	return sandCount
First Star

How does it work:

The processing runs until the first new positions exceeds the max y value given by the input, all placed sand corns are counted.

Second Star

How does it work:

During the input prozessing already an additinal range is added, (max y + 2, and x(500)-2*ymax - x(500)+2*ymax. 2 times ymax is not realy needed). Also here also all placed sand corns are counted.

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 14: Regolith Reservoir ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 units of sand come to rest")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 units of sand come to rest")

Day 15: kotlin

Day 15: Beacon Exclusion Zone

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/15

First Star

How does it work:

For each line in puzzle input the function BeaconExclusion evaluates, if the given y line is within the distance of the given sensor and its beacon. If so, dependend on the difference of the manhatten distance of sensor and beacon minus the absolute distance of the sensor and the given y line all not reacheable positions are added to a list. After going through all input lines, all positions which were more then once are deleted and the positions where already sensors or beacons are placed are substracted. The remaining number is the solution

fun BeaconExclusion(in1: Int): Int {
	var sensorList = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
	var beaconList = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
	var resultList = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()

	File("day2215_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		var xSensor = it.split(":")[0].substringAfter("x=").substringBefore(", y=").toInt()
		var ySensor = it.split(":")[0].substringAfter("y=").toInt()
		var xBeacon = it.split(":")[1].substringAfter("x=").substringBefore(", y=").toInt()
		var yBeacon = it.split(":")[1].substringAfter("y=").toInt()

		sensorList.add(Pair(xSensor, ySensor))
		beaconList.add(Pair(xBeacon, yBeacon))

		var manhatten = abs(xSensor - xBeacon) + abs(ySensor - yBeacon)
		var yRange = manhatten - abs(ySensor - in1)

		if (yRange >= 0) {
			resultList.add(Pair(xSensor, in1))
			for (i in 1..yRange) {
				resultList.add(Pair(xSensor - i, in1))
				resultList.add(Pair(xSensor + i, in1))
	return ((resultList.distinct() - sensorList) - beaconList).count()
Second Star

How does it work:

It was clear from the start, that iterating for each input line through 4000000 x 4000000 would not work, so a different solution must be found. After some drawings I figured out, that a free beacon could only mean, that there are four sections which are exactly in a distance of 2 more than their manhatten distances, where each two define a line. 4 sections means two crossing lines, the intersection is the position we are searching for. Here the propsed solution has a problem, it only works for a puzzle input which has exactly two times two matching inputs, which obviously was here the case. Have a look at function FindBeacon how I managed it to find the solution, but don’t take it as a good example.

fun FindBeacon(): Long {
	var sensorList = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()
	var beaconList = mutableListOf<Pair<Int, Int>>()

	File("day2215_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		var xSensor = it.split(":")[0].substringAfter("x=").substringBefore(", y=").toInt()
		var ySensor = it.split(":")[0].substringAfter("y=").toInt()
		var xBeacon = it.split(":")[1].substringAfter("x=").substringBefore(", y=").toInt()
		var yBeacon = it.split(":")[1].substringAfter("y=").toInt()
		sensorList.add(Pair(xSensor, ySensor))
		beaconList.add(Pair(xBeacon, yBeacon))

	// find all pairs of inputs where still one line is left between both spotted areas (in this line a undiscovered beacon could hide
	var candidates = mutableListOf<Int>()
	for (i in 0..sensorList.size - 1) {
		for (j in 0..sensorList.size - 1) {
			if (i < j) {
				var manhatten1 =
					abs(sensorList[i].first - beaconList[i].first) + abs(sensorList[i].second - beaconList[i].second)
				var manhatten2 =
					abs(sensorList[j].first - beaconList[j].first) + abs(sensorList[j].second - beaconList[j].second)
				var manhatten3 =
					abs(sensorList[i].first - sensorList[j].first) + abs(sensorList[i].second - sensorList[j].second)

				if (manhatten3 == manhatten1 + manhatten2 + 2) {

	// this code does only work if there are only two pairs of input were found, means that there are two lines where a beacon could hide, the position
	// to find lies at the intersection of both lines
	var man1 =
		abs(sensorList[candidates[0]].first - beaconList[candidates[0]].first) + abs(sensorList[candidates[0]].second - beaconList[candidates[0]].second)
	var man2 =
		abs(sensorList[candidates[1]].first - beaconList[candidates[1]].first) + abs(sensorList[candidates[1]].second - beaconList[candidates[1]].second)
	var man3 =
		abs(sensorList[candidates[2]].first - beaconList[candidates[2]].first) + abs(sensorList[candidates[2]].second - beaconList[candidates[2]].second)
	var man4 =
		abs(sensorList[candidates[3]].first - beaconList[candidates[3]].first) + abs(sensorList[candidates[3]].second - beaconList[candidates[3]].second)

	var xStart = 0

	if (sensorList[candidates[0]].first < sensorList[candidates[1]].first) {
		xStart = sensorList[candidates[0]].first + man1 + 1
	} else {
		xStart = sensorList[candidates[0]].first - man1 - 1

	var yStart = sensorList[candidates[0]].second

	var direction = 0
	if (sensorList[candidates[0]].second < sensorList[candidates[1]].second) {
		direction = 1
	} else {
		direction = -1

	var xResult = 0
	var yResult = 0

	var gameEnd = false

	while (!gameEnd) {
		xStart -= 1
		yStart += direction
		if (abs(xStart - sensorList[candidates[2]].first) + abs(yStart - sensorList[candidates[2]].second) > man3 && abs(
				xStart - sensorList[candidates[3]].first
			) + abs(yStart - sensorList[candidates[3]].second) > man4
		) {
			xResult = xStart
			yResult = yStart
			gameEnd = true

	return xResult * 4000000L + yResult

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 15: Beacon Exclusion Zone ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 positions cannot contain a beacon")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 is its tuning frequency")

Day 18: kotlin

Day 18: Boiling Boulders

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/18

Today’s puzzle for me felt easier than the days before, maybe a contribution to the 4th advent, thank’s to that I am back in the game :-).

First Star

How does it work:

The puzzle input is parsed and for each new line 6 new surfaces are added to the total sum. After that, the current line is compared to all previous ones stored in a list, for each cube already exisiting the manhatten distance is calculated, and if it is one, then two surfaces are remuoved from the total sum. After that, the current line is added to the list of existing cubes. Inside the function also the code for part two is already worked in, so you may find the min/max evaluation, which will be used for part two.

fun BoiBou(in1: Int): Int {

	var bouldersList = mutableListOf<Triple<Int, Int, Int>>()
	var result = 0

	var xMin = 0
	var xMax = 0
	var yMin = 0
	var yMax = 0
	var zMin = 0
	var zMax = 0

	File("day2218_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		var (x, y, z) = it.split(",").map { it.toString().toInt() }

		// needed for part two
		xMin = min(xMin, x)
		xMax = max(xMax, x)
		yMin = min(yMin, y)
		yMax = max(yMax, y)
		zMin = min(zMin, z)
		zMax = max(zMax, z)

		// for each new cube 6 surface areas are added
		result += 6

		bouldersList.forEach {
			// for each already existing cube which is touched by the new cube, two surface areas are removed
			if (abs(x - it.first) + abs(y - it.second) + abs(z - it.third) == 1) {
				result -= 2
		bouldersList.add(Triple(x, y, z))

	// return result for first part
	if (in1 == 1) {
		return result

	// start second part - find all free cubes which are outside
	var gameEnd = false
	var freeCubeList = mutableListOf<Triple<Int, Int, Int>>()

	while (!gameEnd) {
		gameEnd = true

		for (z in zMin - 1..zMax + 1) {
			for (y in yMin - 1..yMax + 1) {
				for (x in xMin - 1..xMax + 1) {
					if (!bouldersList.contains(Triple(x, y, z))) {
						if (x == xMin || x == xMax || y == yMin || y == yMax || z == zMin || z == zMax) {
							// set cubes to the outside boundaries
							if (!freeCubeList.contains(Triple(x, y, z))) {
								freeCubeList.add(Triple(x, y, z))
						} else {
							// if not outside boundary add a new free cube, if the position is connected to the outside
							var connected = false
							freeCubeList.forEach {
								if (abs(x - it.first) + abs(y - it.second) + abs(z - it.third) == 1) {
									connected = true
							if (connected && !freeCubeList.contains(Triple(x, y, z))) {
								freeCubeList.add(Triple(x, y, z))
								gameEnd = false

	// count all surfaces of the free cubes connected to a boiling boulder cube
	result = 0
	freeCubeList.forEach {
		var xC = it.first
		var yC = it.second
		var zC = it.third
		bouldersList.forEach {
			if (abs(xC - it.first) + abs(yC - it.second) + abs(zC - it.third) == 1) {
				result += 1

	// return result for part 2
	return result
Second Star

How does it work:

For the second part a list of free cubes is created, starting +/- one position from the min and max values of the lava cloud. This list is filled then iteratively with additional cubes inside the box, if the current position is not a lava cube and if it has a connection to all so far found free cubes.

After having found all free cubes conneted to the outer frontiers, all surfaces which have a connection to the lava cloud are added up.

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 18: Boiling Boulders ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 is the surface area of your scanned lava droplet")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 is the exterior surface area of your scanned lava droplet")

Day 21: kotlin

Day 21: Monkey Math

This solution is written in Kotlin.

The original puzzle can be found at https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/21

First Star

How does it work:

Inside function day2221_1 the puzzle input is read line by line, processed and stored into a map. After that I iterate through the map and replace all possible variables by its numbers and calculate already the formulars, if two values are in. After some iterations, the key root contains the value searched for.

fun day2221_1(): String {

	var monkeyMap = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
	File("day2221_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		var instruction = it.split(": ")
		monkeyMap.put(instruction[0], instruction[1])

	// replace all placeholders by numbers and calculat formulas until key root contains only a number
	while (monkeyMap.getValue("root").contains(" ")) {
		for ((key, value) in monkeyMap) {
			if (value.contains(" ")) {
				var instruction = value.split(" ")
				if (instruction[0][0].isDigit() && instruction[2][0].isDigit()) {
					when (instruction[1]) {
						"+" -> monkeyMap.put(key, (instruction[0].toLong() + instruction[2].toLong()).toString())
						"-" -> monkeyMap.put(key, (instruction[0].toLong() - instruction[2].toLong()).toString())
						"*" -> monkeyMap.put(key, (instruction[0].toLong() * instruction[2].toLong()).toString())
						"/" -> monkeyMap.put(key, (instruction[0].toLong() / instruction[2].toLong()).toString())
				} else if (!instruction[0][0].isDigit()) {
					if (!monkeyMap.getValue(instruction[0]).contains(" ")) {
							monkeyMap.getValue(instruction[0]) + " " + instruction[1] + " " + instruction[2]
				} else if (!instruction[2][0].isDigit()) {
					if (!monkeyMap.getValue(instruction[2]).contains(" ")) {
							instruction[0] + " " + instruction[1] + " " + monkeyMap.getValue(instruction[2])
	return monkeyMap.getValue("root")
Second Star

How does it work:

Inside function day2221_2 oncde more the puzzle input is read line by line, processed and stored into a map. If key is root, then the instruction is changed to =, and if key is humn the instruction is changed to humn. After that I iterate through the map and replace all possible variables by its numbers and calculate already the formulars, if two values are in. Here I did not have the time to generate a stop critieria, so I simply took 100 iterations to make sure every value is resolved. This for sure could have done better. After that, I iterate step by step through the formula at root, resolve it to have only the variable on one side and then replace it by the formula of this variable, until only humn remains, then on the other side of the equation you find the value which is searched for.

fun day2221_2(): String {

	var monkeyMap = mutableMapOf<String, String>()

	File("day2221_puzzle_input.txt").forEachLine {
		var instruction = it.split(": ")
		if (instruction[0] == "root") {
			var operation = instruction[1].split(" ")
			monkeyMap.put(instruction[0], operation[0] + " = " + operation[2])
		} else if (instruction[0] == "humn") {
			monkeyMap.put(instruction[0], "humn")
		} else {
			monkeyMap.put(instruction[0], instruction[1])


	// try do resolve as much as possible of the formulars analog to part 1
	for (i in 0..100) {  // for shure this is not a good solution, but today I had not time to do some additional work in AoC :-)
		for ((key, value) in monkeyMap) {
			if (value.contains(" ")) {
				var instruction = value.split(" ")
				if (instruction[0][0].isDigit() && instruction[2][0].isDigit()) {
					when (instruction[1]) {
						"+" -> monkeyMap.put(key, (instruction[0].toLong() + instruction[2].toLong()).toString())
						"-" -> monkeyMap.put(key, (instruction[0].toLong() - instruction[2].toLong()).toString())
						"*" -> monkeyMap.put(key, (instruction[0].toLong() * instruction[2].toLong()).toString())
						"/" -> monkeyMap.put(key, (instruction[0].toLong() / instruction[2].toLong()).toString())
				} else {
					if (!instruction[0][0].isDigit()) {
						if (!monkeyMap.getValue(instruction[0]).contains(" ")) {
								monkeyMap.getValue(instruction[0]) + " " + instruction[1] + " " + instruction[2]
					if (!instruction[2][0].isDigit()) {
						if (!monkeyMap.getValue(instruction[2]).contains(" ")) {
								instruction[0] + " " + instruction[1] + " " + monkeyMap.getValue(instruction[2])

	// calculate step by step the remaining formulas until only open placeholder is "humn"
	while (!monkeyMap.getValue("root").contains("humn")) {
		var instruction = monkeyMap.getValue("root").split(" = ")
		if (!instruction[0][0].isDigit()) {
			var operation = monkeyMap.getValue(instruction[0]).split(" ")
			if (!operation[0][0].isDigit()) {
				when (operation[1]) {
					"+" -> monkeyMap.put(
						operation[0] + " = " + (instruction[1].toLong() - operation[2].toLong()).toString()
					"-" -> monkeyMap.put(
						operation[0] + " = " + (instruction[1].toLong() + operation[2].toLong()).toString()
					"*" -> monkeyMap.put(
						operation[0] + " = " + (instruction[1].toLong() / operation[2].toLong()).toString()
					"/" -> monkeyMap.put(
						operation[0] + " = " + (instruction[1].toLong() * operation[2].toLong()).toString()
			} else if (!operation[2][0].isDigit()) {
				when (operation[1]) {
					"+" -> monkeyMap.put(
						operation[2] + " = " + (instruction[1].toLong() - operation[0].toLong()).toString()
					"-" -> monkeyMap.put(
						operation[2] + " = " + (operation[0].toLong() - instruction[1].toLong()).toString()
					"*" -> monkeyMap.put(
						operation[2] + " = " + (instruction[1].toLong() / operation[0].toLong()).toString()
					"/" -> monkeyMap.put(
						operation[2] + " = " + (operation[0].toLong() / instruction[1].toLong()).toString()
		}  // else if (!instuction[2][0].isDigit())  --> not need for my puzzle input, would have been copy and apdapt of the upper part
	return monkeyMap.getValue("root")

At the end, both solutions are printed out.

// print solution for part 1
	println("--- Day 21: Monkey Math ---")
	println("Solution for part1")
	println("   $solution1 will the monkey named root yell")
// print solution for part 2
	println("Solution for part2")
	println("   $solution2 do you yell to pass root's equality test")