
Johannes Thorn Jody Winter Ralf D. Müller Alexander Schwartz

1 minute to read

About This Task

docToolchain provides you with a simple Twitter bootstrap default theme to get you started. You can use the copyThemes task to apply a different theme (either jBakeTheme or pdfTheme) to your project. Feel free to remove all files which should remain as the default and change all others. When you next run docToolchain, your theme files will be laid over the default theme in order to generate the PDF or site.


Show source code of scripts/copyThemes.gradle or go directly to GitHub · docToolchain/scripts/copyThemes.gradle.
task copyThemes(
    description: 'copy some default files to your project for you to modify',
    group: 'docToolchain helper'
) {
    doFirst {
    doLast {
        def color = { color, text ->
            def colors = [black: 30, red: 31, green: 32, yellow: 33, blue: 34, magenta: 35, cyan: 36, white: 37]
            return new String((char) 27) + "[${colors[color]}m${text}" + new String((char) 27) + "[0m"
        def lang = ant.input(message: "${color 'green', 'What do you want me to copy?'}", validargs: 'pdfTheme,jBakeTheme', addproperty: 'what')
        switch (ant.what) {
            case 'pdfTheme':
                def targetDir = new File(pdfThemeDir)
                if (targetDir.exists()) {
                    println "${targetDir.canonicalPath} already exists"
                    println "in order to re-install the theme, please remove the folder first and re-run the script"
                    throw new RuntimeException("pdfTheme folder already exists")
                def source = new File(projectDir, 'template_config/pdfTheme')
                println source.canonicalPath
                println targetDir.canonicalPath
                copy {
                    from new File(projectDir, 'template_config/pdfTheme')
                    into targetDir
                println "pdfTheme copied into ${targetDir}"
            case 'jBakeTheme':
                def targetDir = new File(new File(docDir, inputPath), config.microsite.siteFolder?:'../site')
                if (targetDir.exists()) {
                    println "${targetDir.canonicalPath} already exists"
                    println "in order to re-install the theme, please remove the folder first and re-run the script"
                    throw new RuntimeException("jBakeTheme folder already exists")
                copy {
                    from new File(projectDir, 'src/site')
                    into targetDir
                def siteTheme = System.getenv('DTC_SITETHEME')?:""
                def themeFolder = new File(projectDir, "../themes/" + siteTheme.md5())
                copy {
                    from(themeFolder) {}
                    into targetDir

                println "jBakeTheme copied into ${targetDir.canonicalPath}"